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Best locations to place a tent?

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Or any other tips regarding the successful application of the tent?

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I just found my first one this morning... And I have NO IDEA what to do with it! I figure someone will just find it and steal my stuff.

Plus, I'm mostly a server wanderer. Suddenly, I have to pitch this tent somewhere particular and then come back to that server.

Anyone have a west coast server (Veteran) that seems good?

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Watch this video for how to pitch a tent:

I was placing that tent in the hill north of Stary Sobor, then I promptly forgot what server I was on, lol

Try to find a spot with a bit of an incline and behind a bush. When standing at the spot, make sure that trees/hills/other-bushes obscure the tent from distances. The tents I spot the most and easiest are those that are hidden behind a bush, but easily seen from a distance cause they stand out.

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Tents make good bait for snipers. Ditch one where in a clearing that looks like a legit hiding spot, pick a hill and wait. Sooner or later someone always gets a little greedy.

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In agreement with Zakificus, you could even put decent gear in the tent so that they linger at the tent longer.

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