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905 Clan Recruiting! DayZ Overpoch requirements: [experience/bandit/communication]

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Hey There!

If you have taken the time to look at our post you must be slightly interested in joining the 905 clan we mainly play on the ccg overpoch servers and are looking for skilled members to join. you must have the following:

- ​1 year or more experience in dayz mod

- sufficient bandit experience to point where you are effective in a firefight not a hindrance (and don't scream im being shot at.)

- ability to navigate/ fly / drive (you don't have to be the best but you must be sufficient in driving and navigating) 

- you must be at least 16 - 17 years old the older you are the better as we are looking for mature team members ones that can take a joke and have good time but realize when its time to be serious.

- and finally most importantly we don't expect you to be the best dayz player in the world we all die at some point but at that point you have to look at your mistakes and learn. so above all else you must be willing to learn.

if you feel that you would make a good fit in our group add me on skype and we can talk: tristanpieters

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What sort of times do you play im from, i noticed your skype said you were from south africa. And im in the UK ?

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Well i am looking for a team.


About me:


- I am 17 years of age.


- I have about 2-3 years worth of DayZ experience.


- I know how to handle a gun and know my way around the battlezone,


- I know how to navigate after playing a serious amount of DayZRP,


If i meet your requirements add me on skype, Pregates348

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Would love to join, besides the fact that you gotta be 16-17 years old, I'm 14. Let me know if you can make an exception.  

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