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2 Hackers on DayZ - UK5

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Server this happened on.

DayZ - UK5 (v1.7.1.5/Beta 94209) [VETERAN 3DP:ON CH:OFF][GMT+]

Time that it happened including your timezone.

5:00PM GMT-0

What happened during the incident.

I recently downloaded the beta patch to play on UK5 as i had a vehicle on there, i logged on in cherno next to to the apartment buildings and hospital.

I heard 2 Sniper shots, and saw 2 guys on top of the stairs in cherno factory. Both their models were Helicopter pilots. One was watching the stairs and one was sniping with a DMR. I managed to crawl up the stairs undetected and shot the hacker in the chest, it did nothing. I managed to shoot him in the face and he dropped down dead.

Took screenshots, managed to get one of their names, the other hacker logged out immediately.

His name is JomiM

I looted his corpse (all i had was an M104) and left behind the stuff I've never seen in game like the PDW silenced. i hope that's ok.





Also is the Rangefinder a "legal" item in Dayz?

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They are wearing a spawned in clothing called "Soldier Clothing", I saw it in a tent once and got banned for wearing it.

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