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I keep respawning dead.

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Same problem here. Don't bleed out and cant do anything.

Turned into a ghost there for awhile, could run around but not do anything.

Now it is back again to the Hourglass Bug.

Please Help.

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I know this isn't super helpful, but I was experiencing this issue and just let the game run while I AFK'd. In fact, I just left it all on when I went to bed. When I woke up my character had made it to the "You Are Dead" screen, and I was then able to spawn a new character and play again.

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I am experiencing the same problem i have tried a number of different servers and the hourglass isn't even moving, I experienced this problem after lagging out and getting kicked off the server during a encounter with zombies :-/ is there a possible fix?

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Same problem! Only just bought game yesterday to play this weekend and now cant play at all.


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Its a bug. I Had that issue myself too a while ago.

I'm guessing that apparently the game sometimes saves your character data just as you go down unconscious. And then, for some reason, if it fails to save the data again after your death, the next time you play, it loads the state where you are unconcious... But something apparently goes wrong, and that time in the hourglass can total bogus. For me, it was basically not moving at all (got a few pixels of progress in after waiting an hour or so).

So for me, it basically took a whole day to get rid of it. I just kept logging on to servers, and just dangling there waiting for someone to find me and pop a bullet in my head, but since that never happened, finally, at the end of the day, the water level went to zero and started to cause the blood to go to zero. After that I finally died and could restart.

The game seems to have quite a lot of these random save bugs (I've certainly experienced them many times and in different forms). Often, after dying, you can end up spawning unconscious to the same location or somewhere where you were several minutes ago with all of your gear. Usually, the timer just moves or you keep bleeing to death rather than being stuck in that screen for a whole day. (Its probably best to wait for a moment in the you died screen just to make sure it isn't triggered by disconnecting too early, but it really does not seem to prevent it, it still can happen regardless.)

I hope they get that fixed at some point. At least the hourglass getting totally stuck. The wait was tedious (and an unnecessary waste of server player slots). Other than that, the bug of spawning with your stuff but the hour glass properly moving.. We'll I'm not complaining about that, its always a nice surprise to get your stuff back after death. :D (even though some ppl apparently use it as a misfeature to intentionally cheat death, which obviously isn't fair, and thus should be fixed somehow).

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I have this too. the question is if you can be resurrected or killed to get the game to work again. Friend of mine is going to try this now.

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It worked! He gave me epipen and it worked.

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I am having this issue too. Happens yesterday evening GMT+1.

@Rocket: Can you do something to fix that?

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I wonder if anyone can help me please, I have the same problem as others here, for last 4 hours an it's starting to drive me silly :(.... Nothing I have been able to do has helped, an all you get from other players is idiotic abuse....

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I spawned under a house. I could still crawl but when I stood up i collapsed with the hourglass. I eventually glitched out of the hous but since then, whenever I spawn I immediate;y collapse with the hourglass on the screen. It takes around 10 minutes for it to wear off and then I'm fine again until I disconnect and reconnect again. It's a pain in the arse.

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This is becoming a joke :(... I really wanted to get into this game, but spending a few days laying on ground is well out of order. Irony is, everyone refuses to come an kill me so I can die an respawn. They just laugh an block me when I ask for help just before I load into the landscape, an my buttons lock out so I cant do a thing.

my player ID is 13641286

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please guys could we get some kind of response?i bet there are hundreds ppl stuck like this!

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I have reset health data for ALL characters

Please report if this now works

This has been happening to me for the last week. I cant join and play at all.

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Sigh, this bug is making it frustratingly unplayable. I was really starting to get into it as well. I don't even care if I lose all my stuff, I just want to play again.

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I am experiencing the same problem i have tried a number of different servers and the hourglass isn't even moving' date=' I experienced this problem after lagging out and getting kicked off the server during a encounter with zombies :-/ is there a possible fix?


Well i have found a possible solution well has worked for myself of course, what i did was i started joining other servers ones that i have never played on before ones i tried were hosted in other countries so i don't know if the difference in day cycles made a difference or not so i just left it for an hour or so then close the game and joined another server i repeated this process until eventually the hourglass stopped appearing and i was able to continue playing like there was never a problem didn't even die give it a try it has worked for me. :D

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After joining my game today with zero food and water, and bleeding from stupid zombie, i died.

Upon spawning again i got horrible graphical glitches:


After that i logged of and restarted my PC. When i joined the same server i spawned unable to move or use any keys, 12000 health but was unconscious with a hourglass icon. I waited for it to deplete, and then trie d to log in again. It happened again. Im going to wait for a few and try to get in.

:POSSIBLE FIX:Was able to get in after zombies found my body luckily and devoured me before the timer ran out.

Now however Dallas server has no zombies, VA servers are slow or not loading and i haz sad. Oh well, time to keep trying.

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I played again today and it was fixed, no idea why. I'd only been on a couple of times since it bugged out. Maybe you just have to wait it out.

I've still got all my gear though which was a huge relief.

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I'm stuck aswell. but not unconcious, I'm simply dead without the "You are Dead" message comming up. The respawn button only reset my Zombie kill but didn't let me respawn.

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