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Echophox Plays - The Tales of Thumper

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Hey guys!
New to the forums, not to the game. I have been releasing DayZ gameplay to my Youtube channel for a while now. Lots of people do, but most people don't have the nickname Thumper. That's what my friends call me because of my assistance with all the Bambi's in the land of Chernarus.
Lots of episodes to watch and catch up on, and I will be changing my formatting into a new series soon.
Check it out when you have some time, maybe you'll see something you like :)
The quality gets better as I go on, so give it an episode or two.
Echophox Plays - DayZ Playlist


Here's a little preview of my early DayZ days :beans:

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Great channel, the narrative voice is really good.

* What do you use to record?

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Thanks man, I appreciate the comment :)


I used Fraps to record this entire series, I will likely be switching to Dxtory from now on.

I use Hitfilm2 Express to edit and render my videos together.

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