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DayZ Overpoch Server

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Website: http://rule2dt.enjin.com/


Arma 2: 103718 Last update

Dayz: 1.8.1 Up to Date

Overwatch:0.2.5 Up to Date

Epoch: 1.0.5 Up to Date

Origins: Up to Date

Command Line: -mod=@DayzOrigins;@DayzOverwatch;@Dayz_Epoch

This is a great server, with awesome admins! There is a police clan, and hero's that will help you out if you find trouble. There are a ton of friendly players on the server. This is a great communtiy! Hope to see some new players on the server!

Mod: Overpochins (Epoch, Overwatch, Origins)

Map: Sauerland

Server info:

Teamspeak info:

There are tons of things to do on Sauerland like:

  •     Base Building
  •     Life as a Zombie
  •     Missions
  •     Drug Running
  •     Extra Crafting
  •     Adult Admins
  •     Master Key
  •     Custom loot
  •     Player select
  •     Custom Loot
  •     More enterable buildings
  •     And much more, you just have to log in to find out!!

Server Bosses:

    N340.DT- Owner/Coding/server
    TPWalker.DT- Main Admin



If you join the Teamspeak server send me (Sara) a msg!!!

Please visit our Fourms to check out the Rules, Events, Updates for the server, and donation info!!

Edited by SaraMichelle

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Hey all come join our great server, ask about clans if you wanna join, there are Hero's and Bandit's !!!!! Lets see some new players on!

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and do we need to add -mod=@DayZOverwatch to join through commanderz?

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it worked yes thanks I managed to join and run around a bit to check it out. I was looking for some new mod servers so i've favourited it. I didn't realise that Overwatch played on a completely different map to Chernarus, So I'm not sure how i feel about that map.

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Ya my boyfriend feels the same way, but i think it is great, with the base building and stuff, keeps it from having people to close to each other.

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Thankyou Sara for starting this... between N340 and I we are at least always monitoring chat and on TS if we arent in game. The New dedicated TS server is We welcome new clans with a small donor box of material to help you get started

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Since the server has been up for a few weeks and we are getting a good amount of players daily we will be starting to do some Admin Events that the dates will be posted on the Forum (rule2dt.enjin.com). So come test your skills and all events will have a Gold prize of some sort. :)


We also have just added 2 more admins to our team to help stay active on the server.

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I'll be sure to log Into this server soon and try it out. I will be by myself playing a hero, so any help from anyone would be .... Well... Helpfull lol.

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Slaxx, sorry had to leave suddenly have some personal things i had to go deal with :D but it is all good now, i will be on tonight after work :)

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Hey lol sorry i haven't been on much, had some RL things to do this last week, but i will be on more again.

Edited by SaraMichelle

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