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Anyone else having this problem?

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I was playing a few days ago. I normally get 45-60 FPS depending on where I am. Just when I'm about to leave Elektro my FPS suddenly tanks to 5-10 rendering it unplayable. After I disconnect from the server my menu screen is also going at 5-10. I restart the game to see if that'll fix it. I find the menu screen a bit slower but still going at around 45 FPS which I thought it might've been fixed then. Nope. Any server I join now, even ones where before I got 45-60 FPS I'm now always getting 5-10 and whenever I disconnect my menu screen follows with 5-10 FPS.

Anyone know what the cause might've been of this? Or have a fix?

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Restart your computer, this happens to me if I play for too long in one session or randomly when I change servers a couple of times.

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