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unable to join any EXP Hardcore servers

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Been trying for hours now to log into a HC ExP server, the ping for them are low, my ping is excellent. but whenever i click to join a HC server on EXP, it just goes to the "wait for host" black screen and thats. I have absolutely no problem joining a Regular server tho

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Stop being a pansy and trying to join the servers with 0 people on them those dont work join a full pop

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what in my post said I was being a pansy by clicking 0 pop servers...even the HC ones with people in them will not let me get past the screen. 

fail troll

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He means that some servers with 0 on them are either down and you cannot join, or they have just rebooted and you get the same message, keep refreshing the server list and join once you see others joining the server!

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He means that some servers with 0 on them are either down and you cannot join, or they have just rebooted and you get the same message, keep refreshing the server list and join once you see others joining the server!

I've found that there's several servers that never work. When the exp. just released there was one server (a DAL server I believe) that did not let anyone join. Now there's many servers that never let anyone join. I have been wondering what the issue is as well. Never seen em start working once anyone joins cause, well, I've never seen anyone join. That being said, I've played very little in the last few weeks.


Just checked in-game and I can't seem to be able to join any of the DAL or D.C. servers (all of which have 0 players)


Here's a screenshot:



Edited by solodude23

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Been a while that I have been seeing three servers (one with 6 people, one with 24 people and one with 28) that are always there, with good ping, but with the same amount of players every time I check them out and that I have never been able to join.

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Don't know why you cant join a populated server, but I have had issues trying to join 0 pop servers, I just put it down to either server maintenance or its just rebooted.

Edited by fowang

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