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Tent city levelled.

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The only reason i say anything at all and risk the trolls and griefers is because the talk of the town is that there will be a huge focus on teamplay type mechanics. I've been playing this game probably around 250 hours and its only things like this that I could see ruining my game experience at this point...

What is the point of me putting my time into anything when it can all just disappear because some tool came across my tents and threw a nade in the middle of them. Of course now I understand how this works so you'll never find two tents close enough to be blown away with one grenade on my campsites again, but still.

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So you want explosive proof nylon?

Personally, I think you shouldn't even have access to your tents after you die. And people should be able to fuck your shit up.

So you got upset by it, what if you smashed some someone elses camp? I bet you'd love that.

Dear rocket, can we have a survival mod back please? It seems to have turned into farmville with overpowered guns.

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I think containers that are only openable by crowbar would be nice. Of course a grenade could still potentially destroy them. Further, I'd like to see the ability to hollow out logs and rocks so you can stash stuff in the forest without fighting with tent placement in stupidly obvious places. Hollowed out stashes would hold a very limited amount of things though... nowhere near what you can pack in a tent. Just to be able to hind one extra backpack full of stuff I could potentially use later in a location that isn't miles away from the a place I can resupply would be nice.

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So you want explosive proof nylon?

Personally' date=' I think you shouldn't even have access to your tents after you die. And people should be able to fuck your shit up.

So you got upset by it, what if you smashed some someone elses camp? I bet you'd love that.

Dear rocket, can we have a survival mod back please? It seems to have turned into farmville with overpowered guns.


A blastproof tent with a combination lock.

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So you want explosive proof nylon?

Personally' date=' I think you shouldn't even have access to your tents after you die. And people should be able to fuck your shit up.

So you got upset by it, what if you smashed some someone elses camp? I bet you'd love that.

Dear rocket, can we have a survival mod back please? It seems to have turned into farmville with overpowered guns.


Solid argument. You prove my point as to what type of person supports this.

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I found 2 of the big trucks a couple of days ago stocked full of sniper rifles, m4a3 sd's, 5 sets of nvg's, 5 range finders, 3 m249's, 30 mags for those alone, 5 coyote backpacks, and everything else you can think of in mass quantity. nobody was there guarding them, so I drove them south and called in a buddy to move everything off of the server, onto ours. we then moved the vehicles again, hoping to use them in the future, but if not, no biggie.

On a side note, my buddy put all but 2 of the nvg's into a pack with the range finders/maps/gps. All seemed fine, but the server reset a few minutes later and the backpack was empty when we checked it again. I guess you shouldn't put things in packs in tents.

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This kind of stunts just make me think more that a SP experience would be more fuller and richer.

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I found 2 of the big trucks a couple of days ago stocked full of sniper rifles' date=' m4a3 sd's, 5 sets of nvg's, 5 range finders, 3 m249's, 30 mags for those alone, 5 coyote backpacks, and everything else you can think of in mass quantity. nobody was there guarding them, so I drove them south and called in a buddy to move everything off of the server, onto ours. we then moved the vehicles again, hoping to use them in the future, but if not, no biggie.

On a side note, my buddy put all but 2 of the nvg's into a pack with the range finders/maps/gps. All seemed fine, but the server reset a few minutes later and the backpack was empty when we checked it again. I guess you shouldn't put things in packs in tents.


You found a hacker/duper truck. No legit player has that much shit just sitting in a truck

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Tents should be limited to 1 or 2 per person imo. Same with vehicles. If you acquire/save one you loose any others you have.

The only reason i say anything at all and risk the trolls and griefers is because the talk of the town is that there will be a huge focus on teamplay type mechanics. I've been playing this game probably around 250 hours and its only things like this that I could see ruining my game experience at this point...

What is the point of me putting my time into anything when it can all just disappear because some tool came across my tents and threw a nade in the middle of them. Of course now I understand how this works so you'll never find two tents close enough to be blown away with one grenade on my campsites again' date=' but still.


So why do you need all that shit? You can't use it all, you're just hoarding for your next life. There needs to be a limit to what people can hoard. I hope they do a complete server database wipe in the near future when some of this gets fixed so people have to actually play the survival game and not the loot hoarding game.

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+1 to the idea of tents disappearing/becoming inaccessible after death.

Right now they just take away a lot of the experience if you die when you know there is a tent you have set up with a shitload of stuff so you don't have to mind the first steps of a new survivor, can avoid gearing up at the cities and just start back up close to the state of your death.

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So you want explosive proof nylon?

Personally' date=' I think you shouldn't even have access to your tents after you die. And people should be able to fuck your shit up.

So you got upset by it, what if you smashed some someone elses camp? I bet you'd love that.

Dear rocket, can we have a survival mod back please? It seems to have turned into farmville with overpowered guns.


Solid argument. You prove my point as to what type of person supports this.

Mate your laughable.

Your asking for a permeant safety net. In a survival mod. Your either soft, lazy or both.

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You got nuked by a hacker. I also had a camp on NY14 llast week and out of nowhere the entire area was just leveled.

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+1 to the idea of tents disappearing/becoming inaccessible after death.

Right now they just take away a lot of the experience if you die when you know there is a tent you have set up with a shitload of stuff so you don't have to mind the first steps of a new survivor' date=' can avoid gearing up at the cities and just start back up close to the state of your death.


Exactly! Know Mr. Softy here thinks he has the right to that gear, err NO. You died and someone stole your shit. Thats happened to ALL OF US. Some of us man up and start afresh, you know we play the mod.

But seems this mods been flooded with people that are used to having their hand held, and they are turning a unique mod into another joke.

I put it to you OP, that you want an unfair advantage, and you just want to skip out a vital part of this mod so you can gear up easily and then go fuck up someone elses game.

Seriously the community has fucked this mod.

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I find it outstandingly amusing that the OP thinks he has a right to complain about his precious "hard work" being blown to bits. It's an alpha, you're supposed to test this, not hoard stuff MMORPG style.

To sum it up for you: there's nothing wrong with the mechanic (tents, vehicles, everything that can be used to store stuff being destroyable), there's something wrong with you. Less hours farming, QQing on forums, more testing, comprende?


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+1 to the idea of tents disappearing/becoming inaccessible after death.

Right now they just take away a lot of the experience if you die when you know there is a tent you have set up with a shitload of stuff so you don't have to mind the first steps of a new survivor' date=' can avoid gearing up at the cities and just start back up close to the state of your death.


Exactly! Know Mr. Softy here thinks he has the right to that gear, err NO. You died and someone stole your shit. Thats happened to ALL OF US. Some of us man up and start afresh, you know we play the mod.

But seems this mods been flooded with people that are used to having their hand held, and they are turning a unique mod into another joke.

I put it to you OP, that you want an unfair advantage, and you just want to skip out a vital part of this mod so you can gear up easily and then go fuck up someone elses game.

Seriously the community has fucked this mod.

yeah because everything the community has suggested has been put into the game.

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put a post it note on the tent that says "please don't steal or blow up my tents, thanks!"

That should help.

Also, once they stop people from making tent cities miles out of bounds, then you will have no where to hide stuff, basically, survive with whats on your back, and have multiple camps, and hope they dont all get hit same time

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Way to deal with people circumventing permadeath and not contributing to gameplay by simply putting mass items in tents all day, at someplace noone would actually ever go to.

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hiding spots on the west or north edge of the map' date=' on the highest hill for example are all compromised and easy to find. Stashing a small tent or a small atv or something in thick woods in the middle of the map is the only way to combat people looking for camps.

Even then id say 40% of people who play this are using Hacks to find vehicles... Untill battleeye actually does a job instead of giving false sense of security.

I wouldnt even bother putting a tent up or trying to hide a vehicle, it will be gone in less than 24hours.


my clan Curium gaming has had our 4 cars for a week now just gotta know how to hide :D

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I've got no problem with gear being stolen.. if you weren't illiterate you probably would've read that.. or maybe you jumped in on page 4 or 5, thought you already knew everything and quoted someone as saying something they never even said.. It wouldn't be the first time someone on a forum was a complete idiot...

The point is blowing up other people's tents does nothing for anyone.. you want realism but you won't apply it to anything that doesn't suit you, so at what point does a game become just a game? If there isn't a way for people to keep collecting and distributing gear long term, then there will be no reason for anyone to play the game past the point where they are walking around with an AS50 with 5 mags, have an L85AWS in their backpack with plenty of ammo, a silenced mp5 pistol, GPS, MULTIPLE vehicles which carry more than 1 passanger... etc.... (and yes i have all that.)

If you think I'm soft, you just haven't had the displeasure of me destroying you and your friends quite yet, because I can guarantee you I'm one of the biggest bandits on these boards.. I can simply admit there's a point where griefing is just pointless, and this is that point.

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+1 to the idea of tents disappearing/becoming inaccessible after death.

Right now they just take away a lot of the experience if you die when you know there is a tent you have set up with a shitload of stuff so you don't have to mind the first steps of a new survivor' date=' can avoid gearing up at the cities and just start back up close to the state of your death.


From the perspective of a person playing mostly as a lone survivor, I'd say no to that. As it would even further make it impossible to store any items - compared to groups of people (a.k.a. bandit clans).

With that change, consider this:

- A lone survivor dies, loses all he is carrying with a very high certainty - as well as all of his tents, etc. Its back to the very start, no weapons, no beans, nothing.

- A bandit in a clan dies, he probably won't even lose the the most valuable gear he is carrying as his clanmates may be able to rescue those from his dead body and hand them over back to him (assuming they did not encounter another group of people that dealt with all of them at once). The bandit loses his own tent, but that isn't a big issue, as he loses maybe 1 of some collective of 4+ tents or so. And if those guys were optimizing their success, whenever possible, they would just always shuffle the best stuff to the tents of those guys who are currently offline, to minimize the chance of any loss in case of a player death.

It is already highly difficult (basically useless) for a single person (or two persons or so) to defend his property (tents/vehicles) in this game, as any person with any real life / work cannot be in-game 24h a day. For those players, the game is already mostly limited to "all you can carry" (and lose all that on death). For any larger sized groups it is still a somewhat viable option to maintain and defend tents/vehicles.

I would like to see the death being more punishing to those who are hoarding loot - and in case of death, just get to their tents for a backup weapon and carry on as if they didn't even die, but... At the same time... I would not like to see that being done in a way that would really only have an impact on those, who already have the least reason to use the tents/vehicles - And a lesser impact on those who already do use the tents extensively.

So, I'm all in for making death feel even more permanent, but then it should be equally permanent... Basically, for example, by making it impossible for others to give you back the weapons you were equipping when you died / randomly breaking the weapons on death or such. Making you lose your tent on death is not really something I'd see as such, at least not if it is just the loss of the tent, but nothing else.

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What you're basically saying is, you would like for someone not to be able to put in more time than you, and end up with better gear than you. It doesn't affect your gameplay at all.. if someone worked 100 hours to store gear, there shouldn't be any way someone can take all that away from him just for a giggle. Tents already disappear 48 hours after death.. so that isn't even a suggestion.

Summed up: Bandits should be limited to all you can carry just like the person who is collecting gear is.

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At the OP,

I like how you go on about being one of the biggest bandits in the forum, but yet you make a crying threat about your tent city. Why would you put all your tents together making it easier to see? Why would you put them close enough for a grenade/vehicle to easily destory them?

To me your a big cry baby. Sure you hoarded the stuff and someone found it and took it/destoryed it. He beat you. Get over it.

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That wasn't all my tents, and obviously I didn't know they could be blown up? That wasn't hard to figure out was it.

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You didn't have a night guard?

This....guard your stuff or risk losing it (be it stealing or destroying).

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