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MOTO OverPoch -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch; |Militarized|500+ Vehicles|SelfBB|IndestructibleBases|SideMissions|Towing|TakeClothes|BuryBodies +MORE

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MOTO Overpoch Server




- Self Bloodbag

- Take Clothes

- SnapBuilding for your base

- AI missions

-Safe Zones for traders

-High Loot Rate With Overpoch Weapons

-Traders sell alot of overwatch weapons

-Admin events

-Heli lift / Towing available

-And much much more 




About Us




We are a DayZ Based Community, We Have 3 Servers, That are totally loaded with scripts that create a fun realistic apocalypse type of server (s).

Our most popular server is our 1st server we made which is DayZ Epoch Panthera. It is usually filled with 30+ players. We have a DayZ Epoch Napf server too which is semi popular, And we have just now released our DayZ Overpoch server after weeks of preparing it to be setup correctly and nothing bad wrong with the server.Our servers also have donor perks for donating to our server that are worth it if you ask me, We have raised over $450 !!! in just 2 months !!! So you will most likely see our servers up for along time.

I hope to see you all on the server, Please do report bugs or problems you notice with the server to Staff.




Server :




MOTO OverPoch -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch; |Militarized|500+ Vehicles|SelfBB|IndestructibleBases|SideMissions|Towing|TakeClothes|BuryBodies|BuildingSnapping|TraderSafeZones|AutoRefuel|HighLoot|-(




Team-speak IPthemotoclan.myts3server.com

Website : http://themotoclan.enjin.com/home

Server IP23.108.31.130:2312

Edited by Nate_14

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