ch0n1c 0 Posted June 8, 2014 EXODUS-UK EPOCH SERVER It's still pretty young, been live for about five weeks now, just enough time for us to get things balanced and iron out some bugs. We're on a big push to get the server populated now, so please come by and check us out. It's a PvP server but we have tried to create a strong PvE experience with increased missions and hard Z's / AI. We have all the usual scripts, plus added barracks and supermarkets, and a custom military complex spawning unique loot at NWAF. Skalitzy Island is currently being developed and should go live shortly. With lots of supply crates and building supplies in mission loot base building is nicley balanced and inculdes indestructable metal and cinder. We have increased weapon lists inculding the M110, RPG, L86A2 and many more. This extends to vehicles inculding the Bell range of choppers and armored vodniks and the British Jackal. The server is policed by two admins and two moderators with over ten years experience. Exodus-UK is a mature gaming community. GENERAL INFORMATIONViolation of rules will result in kick or ban.We run a zero tolerance policy and as a general rule a ban will follow a kick.You may be kicked or banned without warning.Bans may be appealed in the aptly named 'Appeal Ban' section of the Exodus-UK forum advise players to support their case by using fraps and screenshots when appealing a desicion.SERVER RULES- NO HAX OR GLITCHES OR EXPLIOTS- BANTER NOT ABUSE - RACISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED- DONT ATTACK ANYONE ENTERING OR LEAVING A TRADER SAFEZONE (500m good grace radius, no vehicle kamikaze in safezone, no destroy / damage vehicle in safezone)- NO COMBAT LOGGING- DO NOT LEAVE VEHICLES IN SAFEZONES (deleted after 12 hours without warning)- NO BUILDING AT BANDIT OR AIRCRAFT TRADERSERVER POLICYWe run Anti-Carebear and Low Admin Interferance server policies. These policies are aimed toward providing the best possible gameplay environment. The server administrators and moderators exisit to make sure the server runs smoothly and perhaps more importantly, they do NOT exist to infulence or manipulate gameplay on the server.With regards to the subject of item refunds arising from player disputes, our policy is as a general rule admins will never consider any refund except in the case of compensation for reported bugs or server wide events.General griefing and lame behavior may lead to a community desicion against you resulting in a ban.For further information please join us on the TS3 channel. Thats about it, come check us out, hopefully you wont be disapointed... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites