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GamingRepublic.co.uk OverPoch Chernarus PvP |Deploy Bike|Added Buildings|Indestructible Bases|Auto Refuel|Tow & Lift|Events|Missions

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Event: Attack the Admin Base






Date: 27/06/14

Time: 21:00 GMT+1

Location: Admin Base (Marked on Map)


Event Details:


The admins have set up a base. They have some rare guns, vehicles and items on them. Kill all admin and secure the loot.

Event will last between 2-3 hours.

Event start will be announced on side chat.



Two donators will be picked at random to take part with the admins and keep the gear they choose! This will happen on Thursday so any donation amounts will enter the random draw.



All Players Can Take Part

Admins get 1 Respawn

No Armoured Vehicles

No Refunds of Gear or Humanity

No TP request's during or after event



Try to join or create a team for this event

Don't bring something you dont want to lose

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We have opened a second server (OverPoch) running the latest Epoch and latest ARMA patch 112555, details are below:




This is running a fresh DB and we are slowly adding new additions.

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Slowly updating the second server and once complete both servers will go to new Epoch and ARMA patch.

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Server 2:

Added deploy bike and pack bike

Made some other adjustments to increase FPS

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Servers are going really well and during peak times we have 100 players across both servers.


Thanks to everyone on these forums for the sharing/ over the past few weeks. I will try my best to contribute myself.

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Please see below for todays event:


So, I was up at Green Mountain a few days ago, and i took down one of those stupid military grunts. He was shouting at a tree... think he must of eaten too much bio-meat.
Anyway. I found this information on him. Something big is going down, I will be going to hit this, but theres a big area to cover, so some of you other bandits should try and intercept.
I found this on his PDA:

+------------------------------------- TOP SECRET -------------------------------------+
To: ChernarusFieldCommander@hotmail.com, ChernarusAirMarshall@gmail.com
CC: Sergei@BerezinoDocks.com
Subject: Operation Clean Sweep - Precious Cargo
You are aware of Operation Clean Sweep - the global initiative to reclaim our lands by
purging them of the zombie threat. Now is our turn to take part in this initiative. The 
unprocessed substance (codename: Blue Sky) - humanitys greatest hope in reversing
the zombie virus will be arriving via Sea Freight on 18-07-14 @ 21:30hrs [gmt] at Berezino Docks.
It will pass through our territory and continue West towards its final destination in Paris, France.
Due to the unprocessed nature of Blue Sky, the chemical compound is considered
extremely volatile, and so travel by road is the only option. 
As ground and air commanders, you will have all ground and air support assets at your
disposal. To ensure the precious cargo travels safely from Berezino Docks to Kamenka.
I am aware of several bandit groups operating in this area, and so have ordered Air Command
to provide Blackhawks for overwatch and reinforcement, as well as jets to counter
and enemy aircraft encountered. Despite our severely crippled air capabilities, I have
full confidence air superiority will be achieved.
Infantry Reinforcements will be available from the Forward Operating Base at the NWAF or

Green Mountain, should they be needed.
Good luck Comrades,
Field Marshall Uri Molotov
---------------------------------- END OF TRANSMISSION ---------------------------------

I have a contact inside the military, with a helpful morphine addiction, who has confirmed the above, and also managed to obtain some more information on the convoy.


The Cargo (Blue Sky) Will be inside a VS3, with an escort of two unarmed humvee's, and possibly 1 or 2 ATV's as point guards. The cargo is VERY delicate, and so can only travel by road. If you should happen to steal it, you MUST keep to roads, as the turbulence caused by off-road travel will render the cargo useless, and so, without value.


The escort will be well armed with military grade weaponry, such as M16's, M240's etc. They have both helicopter and jet air support - any helicopters within 1km of the convoy will instantly be shot down - so keep your heli's on the ground. The heli support they have is UNARMED - All the gunships are busy keeping the herds away from the refugee centres. 


As I said, the cargo is VERY delicate - so under no circumstances should you use vehicle-mounted weaponry against the convoy, the risk of damaging the goods is too great. Nor should you attempt to ram the convoy.


The convoy will be moving very slowly, and will stop several times for repairs and refuelling along its journey - so plenty of oppurtunities for an ambush.


I have intercepted the military radio frequencies, so will keep you posted on the convoys location once it has left Berezino.


Military reinforcements will come from either the FOBs at the NWAF or Green Mountain, via heli drop, or humvee. It will take some time for them to react, and with the stops the convoy will be making, there is plenty of oppurtunities for an intercept.



My contact confirmed that should the precious cargo fall into Bandit hands, High Command will offer 10 Briefcases for its safe return. He also supplied me with a map of the convoys route:





The Red dots show where the convoy will stop for repairs/refuelling.


Unfortunatley for my contact I had to kill him after receiving this information, to help keep any attacks planned secret.


REMEMBER: The cargo is VERY FRAGILE. Should you manage to steal it, it MUST be carried, by road vehicle, via the road network, to the bandit camp. The cargo is too delicate to travel on bike or ATV, so cars, vans, trucks etc ONLY.


The Convoy will depart Berezino on 18-07-14 @ 21:30 GMT. 


Berezino will be completley locked down, so no attacks should be made until it has left the city-limits.

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Can you guys update it to 125555? me and my friend cant find the 48 patch and im sure it would only benefit the server


Unless horrible crash, in wich case carry on

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GR Top Gun





Date: 08/08/14

Time: 21:00 GMT+1

Server: GR Event Server Napf

Server IP:


Event Details:


Welcome to GR's Top Gun Event. This will be a dog fight with every participant competing against each other.


The Event will consists of 3 rounds. In these rounds the top 5 will be given the points below:


1.:10 points

2. 5 points

3. 4 points

4. 2 points

5. 1 point


The top 3 after the 3 rounds will be given prizes! Also the winner will receive a Top Gun logo under there avatar on the forums.


First Round:


You will be flying armed helicopters in this round. You will be teleported to an airfield and a helicopter will be spawned in for you. You will then fly to a location and the fight will start on an admins mark. You will all use the same helicopter.


Second Round:


This round we move onto planes, you will be teleported to one of the airfield and a plane will be spawned in for you.  You will then head towards a marked location. Then you will start on an admins mark.


Third Round:




See thread below for more details:



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So for all our American community we now have a server on the West Coast of America being run by steamRoller. He will be head admin for this server so we welcome him to the GR community.

The server is running OverPoch Cherno with all your usual GR scripts and features! We may be adding a OverPoch Napf US Server also!

Server Details:

Port: 2302

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Adding a Weed Field to gather hemp (right click knife)

Adding a Weed Dealer (No Safe Zone)

Added 3000m & 4000m view distance setting

Updated Snap Building Pro

Updated Missions (More configuration to come)

Added MK19 to hero and bandit

Added M203 to hero and bandit

Added KA60 chopper with door gunner (Grenade launcher)

Added BTR40 and DshKM version to hero and bandit

Adding additional Wholesaler


Small updates to loot tables

Added Black M24

Added non ghillie M40

Added variant of G36 (New Scope)

Added variant of HK416 (New Scope)

Edited by AdZVaughan

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