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UNIT487 Epoch, Custom Skalisty Mission and plenty more!

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Servers been running for ruffly a month now, we have about 10-15 regulars but we are looking to expand our player base. 


Server Features:

Insta-Snap Build
Self Bloodbag

Godmode Locked Vehicles
No Weight Restrictions

Static Skalisty Mission - i will go into further details

AI Missions and Treasure Hunts


Static Skalisty Mission Information

We have Skalisty set up as a high loot spawn with a random chance of spawning ruffly around 20-30 AI's protecting the loot. It is all random so everytime you do the mission it is different in its own way. AI also have a small chance to spawn in with Static MG's for taking out Heli's coming in, so beware!


Our server IP is:

Teamspeak: ts64.teamspeak3.com:7195


If you have any other questions regarding the server or anything do not hesitate to contact me either on Teamspeak, In-game or on the forums here.


Thanks for checking out the server, and i hope to see you in there  :D

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trying to join your server but can't login? All my dayz and epoch versions match your server requirements but still no dice...




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