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A1A | Dayz Community - Epoch - Overpoch | www.Alpha1alpha.com

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Introducing A1A | Epoch, Overpoch GameServers!


Hosted by:





Server's IP Adresses:


A1A | Epoch | PVE | Chernarus - IP:

(Must remove additional launch parameters to enter if coming from Overpoch)


A1A | Overpoch | PVE | Chernarus - IP:



Overpoch which is regular Epoch with all the extra goodies from Overwatch requires additional launch parameteres and downloaded Mods to join:

@DayzOverwatch and @DayZ_Epoch


After that, simply paste the following under additional launch parameters in dayzcommander/sixlauncher and join as you would any other server.

Launch paramateres for Overpoch:      -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;







We also have a free to use, non-passworded teamspeak 3 server.

Any groups wanting their own channel will get so by simply paying a $3 monthly fee.

TS3: ts3.Alpha1Alpha.com



Join our servers by adding us to your favorites or simply filter for Alpha1Alpha in the browserlist.

We also have a serverlist on our own website and regulary update changelogs unique to our servers.


Below follows a list of the custom features unique to our servers.



Epoch / Overpoch Specific:



Mature Community

Donor packages


3rd / 1st Person

No Scroll Rangefinder


Active Admins and Events

Custom Starter/donation loadouts

Deployable vehicles, accessible by right clicking your Scroll menu


Tow & Lift vehicles. vehicles and Heli's with the ability to lift other vehicles

Refueling, Rearming and Repairs from fuelstations with cost. Scroll while parked up to a pump.

Build snapping tool to get those buildables looking perfect. Toggable.

Combat log system which will alert all players about who did it and punish the player.

Custom loot tables and increased loot spawns.

Safezones with godmode, vehicle protection

Custom loading screens, for the looks.

Custom map additions.

Custom Gem Trader for higher end stuff (35K humanity required).

Custom AI Missions and AI bases.

Many new weapons added to traders.

Many new vehicles added to traders.

Restarts every 4 hours.


Other information:

Website : alpha1alpha.com

Email @ Rabidpanda@alpha1alpha.com


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Its a working progress but its up and running

Edited by SergeantRock92

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