[email protected] 25 Posted May 14, 2012 Hiya lads,Firstly, LOVE the game, Ive become totally addicted as has my wife to watching me play, she has even gone as far as to let me rent a server for dayz next month!! I havent had a chance to play this new zombie ubermode yet, but im excited. loving the info gathering going on, just wanted to ask a few questions! 1, Im new to arma in itself, picked it up for 7 quid in a charity shop, never even installed it till I heard about DayZ, so, where is the best/cheapest place to rent a UK/EU server? 2, Tents? how do i use them? Ive found several open ones, and im unable to nab them, and if the case is I cant, any tips on where to find them? 3, how do they work mechanics wise? I understand they can be stolen from when offline, but wshat I mean is, is it this?You log onto server A, and put tent down. you log out. tent remains on server A, able to be stolen from, until you log onto server B at which point it spawns there? 4, Weapons, is the best place military bases? after seeing the 'how geared are you' thread im terrified. Im not a cod kiddie expecting some kind of night scope 50 cal'! but I would like to know what I should be setting my sights on (no pun intended!) 5, I found the link to the 'loot cheat sheet' and I have no intention of taking it like a bible or anything, but the link is dead, does anybody have an up to date link?--as a new player, just some quick feedback for the guvnor, amazing game, keep working on it :) all i can keep thinking is, if this is alpha.. my god when beta comes.. and then release.. you have a very happy tester in me! :) Thanks for the responses! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tajin 17 Posted May 14, 2012 Im new to arma in itself' date=' picked it up for 7 quid in a charity shop, [b']never even installed it till I heard about DayZThats a serious mistake in my eyes. :-/Anyway...don't worry too much about so called "high tier" weapons. They may look fancy but in most cases the gained advantage isn't that big. Take the enfield for example. It's one of the most commonly found rifles in DayZ. At the same time, in capable hands its also one of the most dangerous ones.A guy with an M249 might be scary but if you use that enfield right, then it only takes one bullet to get rid of him.That doesn't mean that the M249 is bad, ofcourse not. What I'm saying is that the weapon makes only a marginal difference. How you use it is much more important.Oh and since you mentioned scopes: Anything with a zoom can be deadly... to yourself. Don't run around with it. Use it only, when you need it. When you're moving around, it's best to use something that is capable at short - medium range (medium range beeing anything up to around 200m).I've recently seen a guy with an DMR run out of the woods in front of my squad. He was dead before he could even manage to aim properly. The thing is, he had an M4A3 in his backpack. Had he used that instead, it might have saved his live. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 25 Posted May 14, 2012 Thanks Tajin! :) and I know, I just, I looked online @ Arma and I like my realism, but arma itself felt very newbie unfriendly. like if you dont know protocol and screw up, youll get in trouble. so yeah, I just avoided it! (but thius is about dayz! :D)I think the shock was more about SD weapons, I dont know why I didnt think theyd be here but i just pictured silent kills as pure Crossbow you know? an SD pistol could make town clearing a doddle surely? any idea on the other questions? :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tajin 17 Posted May 14, 2012 Try searching the fourm, the other questions have all been answered before, several times. ;)Just one thing: Tents and vehicles are persistant only on the server where they currently are.SD weapons are sure useful against zombies. Though it can still go wrong. Personally I love taking an MakarovSD with me, it can use regular makarov ammo aswell (makes no difference to the zombies) so I never run out. It's not very accurate though, so you usually have to get pretty close. M4A1SD is pretty nice too, that one however only accepts SD-ammo and can be a bit weak in a PVP situation.ps.: There are several coop-communities that are quite friendly to newcomers, as long as they behave. So thats not much of a problem usually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dronin 5 Posted May 14, 2012 Makarov SD currently doesnt spawn in this mod as far as i know,if you have one its likley been spawned by someone who is unsavoury.if you want a list of items in dayZ check out www.dayzwiki.com or http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.htmli would also suggest you ditch the makarov SD the database regulary scans for items that shouldnt be in game and dishes out autobans Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tajin 17 Posted May 15, 2012 Oh yeah, I think you're right.Didn't pay attention to that when I found it. :/ Was on some dead player in Cherno.Maybe a clientside script should be added that automatically removes such items from the local inventory. Reduces the risk of autobanning people simply for picking something up.Too bad, I've grown used to it. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites