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Sun's Down Guns Up [SDGU] Clan now recruiting!

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"Suns Down Guns Up" Clan is a clan looking for all Dayz players (please speak English though). We are in particular need of mature gamers with experience and know how but we can teach some noobs how to survive. Don't join if your afraid of looting large towns (tactically, of course) and willing to take a small risk. It would be great if you could use teamspeak (only like a 3 minute download) and very fun to use. We can play in large or small servers depending on who we have. We also have connections with the -VR- clan if you are familiar with them from ArmaII mod. We ultimately have a fun time and a very successful time. We all share to survive and thrive. Currently me and my partner are both fully geared and ready to go. We are in Northeast Airfield a lot but also can go down south. Have fun and remember when the sun dip under the horizon... Your guns get up.


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I would like to join your group... My steam name is Chrissylicious and you can add me there n message me


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I have a group of a few mature players (23-35), would be good to team or congress. We currently play CCG servers as the coin system is much better and play overpoch at the moment. Hit me up on steam if you are interested zJordan

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