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Jargen (DayZ)

Sneaking Techniques

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I was wondering if anyone could share their techniques to sneaking around towns without getting spotted. I have a few friends with me, but with the increased number not getting sighted would be a plus.

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1. Use cover, even if it means a detour. (Also: learn to read a map properly and plan ahead)

2. If you have to cross open areas, do it quickly. Crawling can also work but that depends on the terrain.

3. If you stop (to let others catch up), do it near terrain that blends with your current playerskin.

4. Dont skyline yourself (making your silhouette visible against the horizon)

5. Scan your surroundings while moving. (ocassionally zooming in with RMB to take a closer look at things). Detecting other players before they detect you is a vital part of staying unnoticed. Sneaking alone is not enough, so keep your eyes and ears open.

6. If you see someone, move to the nearest cover, hide and wait. Try to find out if he has spotted you and if he is alone. Then decide how to proceed.

7. If you've spotted someone and want to retreat, move in a direct line away from them, before starting to move sideways. (horizontal movement is much more noticable)

That should be the most important things to pay attention to, the rest comes down to practice.

ps.: In case it wasn't clear: The above is mainly about not getting not getting noticed by other players, not so much about zombies. (those are much easier to avoid anyway)

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The simplest hint I can give you is this: never run. You're fine to sprint through the woods and the wilderness, but movement through towns should always be at walking speed - always crouched/prone.

Crawling while prone will make you practically invisible. Zombies won't notice you until they practically step on you, so you can effectively crawl through entire towns looting unnoticed. However, you'll therefore be moving incredibly slowly and your visibility will be decreased due to the tall grass and shrubs you'll be forced to crawl through.

Crouch-walking will grant you a persistent low profile, while still allowing you to move around and keep your weapon ready if/when required. You'll be comparatively higher than proning so you can see over the grass and shrubs, but inevitably, this means everyone can see you too.

It's therefore situational. Pick whichever one is required at the time. If a zombie is creeping too close to you while crouched and you can't risk opening fire, then go prone and wait for him to pass by.

Finally, zombies are distracted by smoke grenades and thrown bottles/cans. They'll run towards them like L4D zombies to a pipebomb - there's just no satisfying 'boom' at the end of the fuse.

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I managed to survive for 3 hours by simply being patient, staying in crouch-walk, and waiting for zombie migration to provide an opening. This is in cities anyway.

In the countryside, I try to stick to the trees.

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How close do zombies need to be to spot you while your crouching?

If you're crouching, not prone in grass, they can spot you pretty easy. Wait for their back to be turned, and don't take chances.

Great pointer for if you alert a zombie in a city: DO NOT SHOOT. Run. Run like your life depended on it (it does). Even if you pick up a few zeds on the way out, it won't be nearly as much as alerting an entire city block by shooting.

In an emergency, such as blood loss, then yes, shoot. Otherwise, just run away as far and as fast as you can, and engage the zeds in the wilderness.

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