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"Loading" Never can get into game

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Note: Prior to the below steps, I had DayZ Working with no major issues.

I just re-installed Windows 7 (rebuilt this PC) to fix issues not related to gaming or DayZ.

I installed Steam, downloaded Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA and added the "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" to the launch options.

I downloaded and unzipped the DayZMod files into the correct folder \@dayz\addons

When I launch the game using steam and try to join a server (any server, any time) I get stuck here:

"Loading" with a bar showing full, and I can hear audio (what sounds like ambient sounds, wind, weather, etc), but all I get is a black screen with "Loading".

I let it sit there for 30 minutes on multiple occasions just in case. Also, from this point the only way to exit is to kill the process in task manager.

I had stopped playing about 2 weeks ago and just started playing again, so I forget what version I was using prior, but the current one does not work for me at all.

I did a forum search, but couldn't find any threads about this (although I'm sure there are a few somewhere).

Any help?

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