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Home Server Down

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So I play on Dallas 31 usually because I recently found a quad there and have a tent full of loot set up as well. But as of a day ago, I've noticed that the server has been down for awhile, as first I thought it was maintenance and decided that I'd just wait it out but so far its still down. Anyone have any advice on how I can find out who runs and contact them?

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same problem as you. yesterday decided to play and found the server as usual, tried to enter it in game but it kept saying that it couldn't connect. tried restarting the game and the server disappeared from the list and hasnt been visible since :(

also bummed coz I have a hatchback and a tent full of goodies :(

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ya same dude, hopefully it'll be back up soon...if anyone has any connects to the guy running dallas31 hit him up! :D

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Guys I have been reading on the forums and it seems that Dallas forums are slowly moving to new locations (from what I have read they go to Seattle and Atlanta?) and one other thread about one of the Dallas servers has been confirmed by its admin. ( http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22820 )

So I looked at the information about our server and it said that it has been down since 27th but 4 new servers Seattle 130, Seattle 131 and two other have been running since 27th.

I am away from home now until Monday so I cannot confirm it, but if I am right Seattle 131 might be our server. Can someone confirm it and post the results? :) (out tents and vehicles should still be there)

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