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Robert Neville

Sometimes cannot eat/drink

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Sometimes I join a server and I am able to eat/drink only once.  The second time I attempt this (on a can of beans, can of spaghetti, soda, canteen, bottle...) the popup menu has only "Inspect", not "Eat" or "Drink".  I am forced to log off and join another server.  Connection issues probably?

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Are you also unable to open doors or pick up items? If so then it's a network issue, usually a problem with the server.

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Did you try to empty your hands with the "x"? sometimes cans do not disappear after eating/drinking.

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I don't think this has anything to do with the fact that the popup menu hasn't all the available actions.  But yes, sometimes I'm empty-handed, sometimes I have a weapon in my hand.  This does not seem to affect the glitch.

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Huh.  I wasn't aware that there was already a forum profile with the name and picture of The Omega Man. 


But given that it's a game about surviving zombies, it seems logical.  ;)  


I've now changed my profile pic to avoid confusion.

Edited by Robert Neville

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I notice that right clicking to get the Eat or Eat All is often laggy, and sometimes all I get is Inspect (and sometimes I right click and nothing happens at all). It always (for me) finally comes back allowing me to properly right click and get Eat or Eat All after maybe 5 seconds. I especially get only Inspect and no other options if I accidentally still have something in my hands. I'm sure you're not crazy and something strange is going on, but next time you're online try again and double check there's nothing in your hands and wait until whatever you're eating has fully left your hands - and wait a few seconds between tries, it's wonky. If you still have an issue with it search the bug tracker, maybe it's a known issue - or maybe it's a new issue you should report!

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That's exactly the problem I have except that for me it does not resolve itself - after a while I am forced to join another server if I want to eat/drink.

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This happens to me daily. Even without full inventory. I think it usually happens when I eat or drink with a weapon in my hands. The lag time between dropping weapon out of hands, putting the edible in hands and the animation to consume it causes it to bug out. The o ly way to clear it is to close the game completely, not just leave server and rejoin.

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That happened to me twice last night. It was right after I ate some canned spaghetti. I just relog. But yeah, it is annoying.

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If you are having trouble doing actions in the game after joining a server it happens to a lot of people. The problem normally goes away anywhere between 15 seconds to 3 minutes.

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