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Survivors underpowered?

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We do have the figure "91' date='721 players in the last 24 hours". Combining that with the 48,532 alive bandits, does that mean half of the players are bandits?


So you assume that of the 250k SURVIVORS, only 40k played today, but each and every bandit (50k) played today?

Are you stupid?

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I just wish there would be more real Bandits' date=' you know the kind that threatens you for your stuff and not just insta-gib you once in sight.

Too bad people are people :dodgy:


This would be amazing, I would love to see this type of option available and rewarded for player who wish to cover their status from allowing other players to notice their heartbeat sound.

Once the next patch is set, I hope we can find a logout timer.

Then again...AltF4 will always be there *shakes fist*

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