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Aiming issues in standalone

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when i move my recticle whist holding a gun, my recticle moves and then my gun follows. how do i make the gun move at the same time as the little grey dot like it does in arma 2??? i have tried changing aiming deadzone

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*Sigh* it's a feature they added in called dexterity. I, for one, HATED how the gun seemed glued to you. They added this so when entering a building, you might choose to clear it with a pistol, rather than a Mosin. The pistol doesn't weigh much, therefore, you are able to turn more quickly around a corner.


Before they added this, the Mosin had the same room-clearing capability as a pistol, or shotgun, or M4A1, which is terrible. Now it's much more balanced and logical.

Edited by Shadow134

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