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30 minutes until we found a usable server

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I hate it!


Yesterday evening a friend and I tried to play this game and it took (no joke!) 30 minutes until we were able to find a server that was usable.


"Wait for host" was the first message we saw on about 3-4 servers.

We cancelled that after some minutes waiting and changed the server.

"Respawin in 99 secs..."

After that the game didn't start either. "Ready - Please wait". We waited and pressed ESC and escaped from that server after some minutes.

Then we found a server and after 5min running through the fields we were kicked.

The next server kicked us right after joining it. The server name said nothing about such a behavior!


Guys, that is really no fun.

After starting DayZ you wait more than you are able to play.


What a the reasons for that?


Server with names "join = kick", "Only clan server..." etc is nothing I want to see.



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Let me guess:


Looting "insert random airfield/military base" on an empty server?

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Not at all, my dear Feuerbart.

Belive me, we were in Krasnostav and just wanted to go south to Gorka. We were well geared so so there was no need to loot an airfield.


We also got problems that one of us was able to join and the other just got an "Ready - Please wait".


Sometimes quite annoying.

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Seems like (possibly) with the current patch, servers gets stuck at a random time until restarted, hence why the message "Wait for host" forever.


We got two servers if you want to try them out, usually full or sometimes empty. If server is "wait for host", you can notify us on our live instant chatbox we have on our website


Registration required, the chatbox uses too much server resources that we had to put it on for registered users only.

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I noticed quite a few dead servers, mostly gamingdeluxe.co.uk and all empty.  I got curious and it seems that if a server is unpopulated there is a high probability it is broken.


Makes you wonder who's got all that money to burn, by renting or running all those badly staffed and maintained servers nobody can play on.


Still ... not my coin going down the pan.

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I noticed quite a few dead servers, mostly gamingdeluxe.co.uk and all empty.  I got curious and it seems that if a server is unpopulated there is a high probability it is broken.


Makes you wonder who's got all that money to burn, by renting or running all those badly staffed and maintained servers nobody can play on.


Still ... not my coin going down the pan.

Seen it on multiple providers. Nothing to do with GamingDeluxe.

And the staff cannot go check every single server to see if it's stuck.... be reasonable......


It's the responsibility of the server administrator to restart it.

I'm restarting my servers manually 1-3 times a day due to this issue.


The only thing the provider can do, is to report this issue directly to the devs...

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Im having the same problem


If I change servers at any point I get 99 seconds then stuck on please wait, usually have to leave 3-4 times after stuck on please wait for a few minutes, after about 3-4 trys I can get into the server

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Seen it on multiple providers. Nothing to do with GamingDeluxe.

And the staff cannot go check every single server to see if it's stuck.... be reasonable......


It's the responsibility of the server administrator to restart it.

I'm restarting my servers manually 1-3 times a day due to this issue.


The only thing the provider can do, is to report this issue directly to the devs...





Don't presume to tell me what I did and didn't see.  On several occasions when I sorted the server list by ascending numbers of players, the one consistent provider name above all others with empty servers that didn't start was gamingdeluxe.  So it does have something to do with them, because they had more unresponsive servers than anyone else.


As for staff checking every server individually, if they choose to return to last century and do it that way ... I very much doubt it.  Weak excuse.  All that has to be done is to monitor a list of servers in software and check their status.  If I can see servers are stuck from a couple of button clicks in the game client, they can sure do better.


 What do they take money for if not to provide a service? That kind of attitude just lets providers off the hook with what should be a basic level of support.  It's not a particularly good PR exercise having all those servers empty and unresponsive either.


As for the devs, same thing again. They've taken two million customers' money, I'm sure part of the alpha is to monitor server reliability.  Seeing something happen about it is at least in part triggered by feedback, not excuses.

Edited by RN_Max

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