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Hendrix (DayZ)

Sudden frame rate issue

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I have a Intel I4 processor with 6 gigs of ram a gtx 590 classified and a rampage mobo I have had very few if any performance issues with day z prior to today but today even though I logged onto LA servers with between 15-49 ping my fram rate was so choppy it was like my character was moving in slow wmotion I was unable to do anything with my character. I have alway s had the graphic settings maxed in day z and had no isssues I didnt adjust them at all it seems as though there was some kind of silent patch that has completely ruined my ability to play the game properly pls help me out here on what the issue could be.

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Having the same problem on "some" ( 75%) of servers, it's so freakin annoying.

AMD Phenom II 1055T X6 OC @3,8Ghz

AMD Radeon HD 6850 1GB

8 GB ram


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