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Paramilitary Rescue Group

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We have a name - Chernarus Paramilitary Rescue

Our tag - +CPR+


Pass: omgwtfhelp

Website: cpr.enjin.com (Work In Progress)

I'd like to see us get a group of players who like to help others instead of killing them for their gear. I'd be willing to supply a ts3, mumble, or vent server. What do you think?

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Sounds like it could be fun, actually. I just got into the mod about 10 minutes ago from watching videos, and it seems cool. I'm downloading ARMA: CO to Steam right now, and it should be done in about 4 hours.

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I'm a strong supporter of player groups forging trusted survivor alliances/squads, and I would also like to get involved in forging one like this.

In the ragtag groups I've been in so far, I'm usually playing the role of 'medic' and am enjoying it thus far. My entire pack's full of morphine, painkillers, bandages and blood bags so I'm set to help out as a 'Paramedic' if needed.

I'd prefer a Mumble Server myself, but I don't really mind using anything else if it means sticking with a bunch of other survivors that I can trust. Meeting strangers while I'm alone with a portable hospital on my back's consistently stressing me out for obvious reasons! :P

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i feel u i am usually a walking ammo storage i usually have a bag full of revolver ammo and shotgun shells lol then like half is full of blood bags and bandages

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Chernarus Paramilitary Rescue

Tag +CPR+ (kinda fits right?)

I will have the TS3 and a site set up by morning and the recruiting will begin. The only problem I foresee is some of us becoming "bandit models" because of defending ourselves and the survivors we try to help. As I see it we will have to build a reputation as helpers and defenders of the innocent in order to deal with the morality system as it stands.

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I'd much prefer a mumble server (means I don't have to setup another system, since I already have Mumble and Ventrilo set up for EVE Online), but I can deal with TS. I think I still have it installed from when my corporation in EVE used it. Hit me up on steam (thepixlator911) with the details.

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I chose TS3 because more people seem to have it installed. I used to play EVE too :D So did another guy who will be joining up tomorrow.

What servers do you guys play on? I'm usually on US1 or US2.

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Legion also has a TS3 with around 15 or 16 people, and welcome anybody who speaks english on our TS :)


pw - alpha

Stand Together!

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After the virus spread throughout the region, the Chernarussian Defence Force soon had their hands full with bandits, undead and natural causes alike. NATO had decided to temporarily pull out the CDF to Utes island until' a plan of action could be made.

Not happy with the decision made by those with power, it wasn't long before the smaller powers banded together, forming their own Chernarussian Defence Organisation, the CPR.

What started off as a bunch of armed men, soon became organised with the greater goal of unity. It wouldn't be long before they would become a force to be reckoned with, for those who were taking advantage of the lack of law in Chernarus. Even the most veteran bandit soon heard the rumours of this 'PMC like group, restoring order to the region.

^ Do like my background stories and RPG themes, I think the idea is brilliant and would really like to get involved!

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This just in, there is a better alternative to PRG, Legion :)

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This group looks great to me! I'm interested in joining, I'll keep an eye on this thread. Can't wait to play with you guys.

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  'no0n said:

This just in' date=' there is a better alternative to PRG, Legion :)


Nice thread hijack:P

We're not here to compete, we probably have slightly different goals. We at CPR (not PRG) are here to help our fellow survivors, including but not limited to you Legion guys. If you or one of your group is running by with a horde of zombies chasing you, I will try to help, that is who we are.

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Would be a pleasure to join the CPR! I love these niché type of clans and forces, and this fits my idea of a group perfectly, especially in this environment. If the clan gains reputation then the bandit skins wouldn't need be much of a problem.

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I shall keep my guys open for you. once i have some more time go actually meet up with some more survivors i'll jump into your TS and try to meet up :)

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