infinitegrim 47 Posted June 30, 2012 Me and my friends are afraid to play on our own server because of all the bullshit that is going on, on our own server. We are also afraid to ban anyone, fearing that we will be blacklisted since the dev team wont answer our messages or emails about certain players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
myselph33 2 Posted June 30, 2012 So far my backpack ate 2XMP5 SD, DMR, AS 50, MK 48, M14, not to mention various little things, i also died several times to bugs, cars blowing up from hitting immovable peaces of trash, heli crashes due to desync, also a bugged ladder that made no sound when another player climed it. Cant really count the times when i broke my leg by crawling over a rock or in a building Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kiada 0 Posted June 30, 2012 You've probably been killed by more hacks than you realise. Weapon spawning. Scripts that show all players on the map. This time one of the hackers decided to be a complete moron and kill everybody. There isn't many 'hackers' that condone this, usually 'hacking' is for creative fun. BI have never had as much traffic or pressure than they have had in the past few months. Hacking wasn't a massive problem - this mod has had so much hype it's more than any of the devs could have imagined. Trust me when I say a lot of hackers are getting global bans. It's quite fun to follow this stuff :) Especially when a ban wave goes out! But there's always *always* those very smart coders that keep their scripts and programs to themselves that the cheat-engine and game will never be able to detect.Luckily the people that nuke entire servers doesn't fit into this category. They're called 'script kiddies'. So wait it out, and hope Battleye can react quick enough to eliminate any public or paid for hacks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slyder73 94 Posted July 1, 2012 Luckily the people that nuke entire servers doesn't fit into this category. They're called 'script kiddies'. So wait it out' date=' and hope Battleye can react quick enough to eliminate any public or paid for hacks.[/quote']Don't hold your breath LOL. It has been 3 years now and these guys are a regular feature of the regular game servers. The difference in Dayz is that the persistent characters cause players to lose a lot more time and effort put in that just being blown up on the regular game servers and spawning again, getting new equipment and heading out to the fight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted July 1, 2012 it would also be nice if it displayed who killed you, so you know who to reportI was all for not displaying that info, but the shenanigans have changed my mind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
videofuego 0 Posted July 1, 2012 Why don't they make it so you can see who killed you, so players can report to admins and get people banned, as long as there are no tags on the server i cant see a problem with this.. can anyone else? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slyguy65 499 Posted July 1, 2012 So I have had my same char for 12 days now' date=' playing about 5 hours per day and I had myself a Coyote Bag with a M4A1 CCO, a AS50, and my revolver, Rangefinder, GPS, and much more, when I was just running along in Stary Sabor and a huge explosion comes from nowhere blowing up killing 11 people in the server at once.This is absolutely the most frustrating thing, and because of It, my friends have had a negative outlook on the game and I also don't even want to play until it is somehow fixed. I wish I could have my stuff back, but I understand it is happening to a lot of people. I really hate people like this, and if anything is possible to help players getting screwed over after lots of hard work, we deserve it. If you are reading this hackers, seriously, go play Playstation.[/quote']Dude hackers started out on the computer they will stay on computer....don't tell them to fuck up playstation...dick move. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slyder73 94 Posted July 2, 2012 Why don't they make it so you can see who killed you' date=' so players can report to admins and get people banned, as long as there are no tags on the server i cant see a problem with this.. can anyone else?[/quote']Because then the admins would be overwhelmed with email complaints every time a new player gets killed with anything besides a Makarov. The unfortunate thing about online games is they have to take into account the worst behaviour and most idiotic players. I still think the way to make hackers have less of an impact is to just code the game so that if one is killed by banned weapons or explosives (thus originating from a hacker), then the death doesn't count. The player can respawn with their gear. Hackers have been hacking Arma2 servers since day 1. They won't go away, but with the persistent characters, there needs to be a way that regular, honest players don't always suffer because of the script kiddies. They'll still be there, but at least they won't as often cost someone their gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
videofuego 0 Posted July 2, 2012 Why don't they make it so you can see who killed you' date=' so players can report to admins and get people banned, as long as there are no tags on the server i cant see a problem with this.. can anyone else?[/quote']Because then the admins would be overwhelmed with email complaints every time a new player gets killed with anything besides a Makarov. The unfortunate thing about online games is they have to take into account the worst behaviour and most idiotic players. I still think the way to make hackers have less of an impact is to just code the game so that if one is killed by banned weapons or explosives (thus originating from a hacker), then the death doesn't count. The player can respawn with their gear. Hackers have been hacking Arma2 servers since day 1. They won't go away, but with the persistent characters, there needs to be a way that regular, honest players don't always suffer because of the script kiddies. They'll still be there, but at least they won't as often cost someone their gear.Im not really talking about policing on that grand of a scale, I mean.. the server Ii was frequenting had an admin on at almost all times.. and if a hacker is killing everyone on the server the server owner could deal with it unless they dont have that power I have no idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alblaka 9 Posted July 2, 2012 Actuall I'm sure my fatality-tendancy-mate would prefer being nuked by a hack-spawned bomb then constantly instadieing by tripping across crates and small stones :3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humbleuk 76 Posted July 2, 2012 i read on a hack website that they do it to piss rocket off for his strict server rules - the same website rocket mentioned a few weeks ago, so i visit there often to read what they are doing.Rocket is a member there and pleads with them not to do it, it's sad as fuck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
w_epley 37 Posted July 2, 2012 Some guy had this as his signature"The first rule of Chernarus: DO NOT get attached to your gear.You will lose it to server errors, bugs, zombies, other players, hackers, werewolves, aliens, mystics, sasquatch, lunar eclipses and unforeseen sinkholes. You will NOT KEEP YOUR GEAR LONG. Face it."Ive only fell victim to a some turd hacker with nuclear capabilities once. But I dont get a hard on for my equipment either. Bottom line: Hackers suck balls and are a problem: but are you going to let them ruin your entire dayz experience? If you do, the terrorists win. Remember, your equipment is borrowed, and it will inevitably be returned or buried with one of your many soon to be corpses.Cheers, Good luck god speed, and so on and so forth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
infinity2209 0 Posted July 2, 2012 Well losing your gear is bound to happen. It doesn't matter if it's a hacker, a sniper, a bug or some random guy with an axe. You die extremely quickly, one bullet and it's all gone. Sure losing it to something that isn't legit is more annoying, but the point is you'd of lost it eventually anyway. The hackers'll be fixed eventually I guess or at least the situation will be improved. Battleye just doesn't seem to help much, maybe with some updates to it or a new anti cheat they'd be less hackers. For now I guess we'll just have to live with it, there taking a risk with a fairly expensive CD key. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted July 2, 2012 i read on a hack website that they do it to piss rocket off for his strict server rules - the same website rocket mentioned a few weeks ago' date=' so i visit there often to read what they are doing.Rocket is a member there and pleads with them not to do it, it's sad as fuck.[/quote'] Yeah i had a read through that site a few nights ago, pretty lame stuff from most of the children on there. They feel they have a right to hack and wreck other peoples enjoyment and then they whine when they have to spend more money after being banned. Weirdly sad children. What i i took away from a few hours reading was that they are just not prepared or good enough to actually play a game so instead they have to lower themselves to cheating to be able to keep up with everyone who doesnt, then they think they are in some sort of elite group because they can run a script ? Bah. If they pooled their talents and came up with something worthwhile then maybe we would stop calling them script kiddies. Which is all they are. Thing is regards the strict rules they talk about,thats a cop out..if the rules were laxer they would still be there..just more is all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humbleuk 76 Posted July 2, 2012 yep most probably mate, alot of script kiddies on there "copy n paste". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1ippery Jim 139 Posted July 2, 2012 Some guy had this as his signature"Bottom line: Hackers suck balls and are a problem: but are you going to let them ruin your entire dayz experience? If you do' date=' the terrorists win. [/quote']Dying does tend to ruin your experience in a game which involves perma death, so yeah the terrorists do win, just like in real life.And as for the guy that dismissed hackers nuking everyone in a server saying 'its just an Alpha' - seriously?! Is that your catchphrase or something or are you just really a pretentious condescending git? Or a hacker?I'm afraid there is no excuse for what hackers do whether a game is Alpha, Beta, or a full release. These hacker trolls are the lowest scum in gaming and anyone who experiences their griefing knows the pain this guy is going through.Why don't they make it so you can see who killed you' date=' so players can report to admins and get people banned, as long as there are no tags on the server i cant see a problem with this.. can anyone else?[/quote']Because then the admins would be overwhelmed with email complaints every time a new player gets killed with anything besides a Makarov. The unfortunate thing about online games is they have to take into account the worst behaviour and most idiotic players. I still think the way to make hackers have less of an impact is to just code the game so that if one is killed by banned weapons or explosives (thus originating from a hacker), then the death doesn't count. The player can respawn with their gear. Hackers have been hacking Arma2 servers since day 1. They won't go away, but with the persistent characters, there needs to be a way that regular, honest players don't always suffer because of the script kiddies. They'll still be there, but at least they won't as often cost someone their gear.Its bogus to think they can't simply include the name of players who kill other players in the game, this is how many many games do things and would help identify hackers and exploiters.And you seem to be forgetting that explosives are part of legit DayZ play...only yesterday I fragged two players in a barn... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vaultman 2 Posted July 2, 2012 Yes I was about to raid the freeside post with somebodys when trees started falling on us killing us immediately. Lost a M24, MK 49 Mod. 0. My friend lost a SAW. But now I have an AS50 so..... I traded up in a way! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slyder73 94 Posted July 2, 2012 Some guy had this as his signature"Bottom line: Hackers suck balls and are a problem: but are you going to let them ruin your entire dayz experience? If you do' date=' the terrorists win. [/quote']Dying does tend to ruin your experience in a game which involves perma death, so yeah the terrorists do win, just like in real life.And as for the guy that dismissed hackers nuking everyone in a server saying 'its just an Alpha' - seriously?! Is that your catchphrase or something or are you just really a pretentious condescending git? Or a hacker?I'm afraid there is no excuse for what hackers do whether a game is Alpha, Beta, or a full release. These hacker trolls are the lowest scum in gaming and anyone who experiences their griefing knows the pain this guy is going through.Why don't they make it so you can see who killed you' date=' so players can report to admins and get people banned, as long as there are no tags on the server i cant see a problem with this.. can anyone else?[/quote']Because then the admins would be overwhelmed with email complaints every time a new player gets killed with anything besides a Makarov. The unfortunate thing about online games is they have to take into account the worst behaviour and most idiotic players. I still think the way to make hackers have less of an impact is to just code the game so that if one is killed by banned weapons or explosives (thus originating from a hacker), then the death doesn't count. The player can respawn with their gear. Hackers have been hacking Arma2 servers since day 1. They won't go away, but with the persistent characters, there needs to be a way that regular, honest players don't always suffer because of the script kiddies. They'll still be there, but at least they won't as often cost someone their gear.Its bogus to think they can't simply include the name of players who kill other players in the game, this is how many many games do things and would help identify hackers and exploiters.And you seem to be forgetting that explosives are part of legit DayZ play...only yesterday I fragged two players in a barn...No. It is not bogus. The post asked if anyone else saw a problem with his answer. One problem I pointed out is that with names displayed and the level of time/personal/emotional investment, it would lead to a LOT of complaint emails for every single death. Maybe people don't care that they die after a few days or their first 2 hours not understanding the game...I don't know.But, if the opportunity for them to write off a quick email and claim they were hacked was will happen so often it would be a problem that takes away from identifying the "real" hackers.As for explosives. I never said explosives shouldn't be in the game or weren't. What I was suggesting is that the devs code the game in such a way that when one dies by weapons or explosives that ARE NOT ALLOWED, or BANNED from the game, those deaths dont' count. I am thinking of the script kiddies who login and drop the big aircraft bombs from the regular game all over the map and destroy a bunch of players. THose are clearly not in the Dayz mod,but in the game overall....shouldn't be hard to code for the mod to differentiate between legit weapons and illigit weapons. If one dies by illegal weapons then the death doesn't count.Yes, this does not deal with the hackers that spawn a multitude of weapons that ARE already available in the mod. But, it can at least deal with the smacktards that are in the servers and spawning all the major server killing weapons that kill everyone....weapons and large bombs that are in the regular game that some of us have been playing for years. In the regular game,the hackers have been a weekly experience on most popular servers. BIS does not deal with this and the hackers will not be going away. This is why I suggested this bandaid fix. At least it allows hack-killed players to respawn with their gear. Because the hackers will be on Dayz servers guaranteed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 2, 2012 So I have had my same char for 12 days now' date=' playing about 5 hours per day and I had myself a Coyote Bag with a M4A1 CCO, a AS50, and my revolver, Rangefinder, GPS, and much more, when I was just running along in Stary Sabor and a huge explosion comes from nowhere blowing up killing 11 people in the server at once.This is absolutely the most frustrating thing, and because of It, my friends have had a negative outlook on the game and I also don't even want to play until it is somehow fixed. I wish I could have my stuff back, but I understand it is happening to a lot of people. I really hate people like this, and if anything is possible to help players getting screwed over after lots of hard work, we deserve it. If you are reading this hackers, seriously, go play Playstation.[/quote']That gear....We were playing on a russien server yesterday and it seemed that every guy in cherno had that gear. Hacking yourselve? :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NobodieCro 11 Posted July 2, 2012 Hackers are here to spice up the game..Mostly because it is too easy..Now you have to be aware of , Bandits, Zombies, killing trees , doors, fences, rocks , hunger, dehydration , cold weather, and hackers. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted July 2, 2012 The cheater affair now have reached some annoying proportions... initially you has few cheaters here and there, sometime nuking that server. Now you have cheaters on many server and you're likely to survive only if they ignores you, eventually because they are concentrate to spawn vehicles around the map and troll.Honestly i don't think this will be ever handled (Arma2 is completely fucked up, because it's so open...).. but if having cheaters in a traditional FPS is a pain, in a game where there's a sort of persistence, a cheater/hacker can "ruin" a week of gameplay or more.Atm you can only troll around, since you know that it doesn't matter how good you play, you'll die because of a cheater, so it's not convenient to build a "serious" gameplay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arnie (DayZ) 21 Posted July 8, 2012 Unfortunately the perma death and ruining days or weeks of someone elses gameplay makes them flock from the regular arma 2 game modes to Dayz. Because for them its fun to kill someone like shooting fish in a barrel but its even more fun if it causes some serious grief.There is some serious spiting and griefplay going on there, I bet the more stuff the guy they kill has the more fun they think that was.After being killed by an invincible player the other night losing 7 days of gear a friend and myself spawned made it to our tent picked up NV goggles and went to play on a nearly empty night server to get some gear back. To play during the weekend.Hike to the tent 2 hoursraiding several deerstands and stary sobor at night 2 hoursHike back to our tent would have been an hour but about 30 minutes out of Stary sobor we got ambushed in the middle of nowhere by 6 people. There were 8 people total on the server. After killing us they did not even bother to come check our gear they just ran off again while it was obvious that we had NV goggles to be playing on a pitchblack server.Result my friends stopped playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites