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Survival as an End-Goal (Lowering KoS too)

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An endless apocalypse is extremely unlikely - erring on unrealistic. If the community doesn't see how the game-design encourages shallow chaos, well too bad then I guess.

We have an endless supply of everything. In a real apocalypse we wouldn't...

Chernarus has gone to hell, so become bandit-land. The rest of the world isn't a part of DayZ though...

Where do all of these dumb survivors keep coming from? The flashlight surplus, yet most survivors just skip KoS at night...


You can't expect to have everything in a game, which is why embellishing realism is the only you can go...


My thoughts must be getting ignored, why else has no one made a strong argument against them?

Well evidently this community is almost entirely non-constructive, so I'll leave this forum behind with one final note to share...

If DayZ was truly more simulation than game, it would make even more sense as a scenario! Burn...

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The heirloom thing would result in people getting a perma M4 and a clip.

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This is a very good concept, but as is stated before, endless game etc

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An endless apocalypse is extremely unlikely - erring on unrealistic. If the community doesn't see how the game-design encourages shallow chaos, well too bad then I guess.

We have an endless supply of everything. In a real apocalypse we wouldn't...

Chernarus has gone to hell, so become bandit-land. The rest of the world isn't a part of DayZ though...

Where do all of these dumb survivors keep coming from? The flashlight surplus, yet most survivors just skip KoS at night...


You can't expect to have everything in a game, which is why embellishing realism is the only you can go...


My thoughts must be getting ignored, why else has no one made a strong argument against them?

Well evidently this community is almost entirely non-constructive, so I'll leave this forum behind with one final note to share...

If DayZ was truly more simulation than game, it would make even more sense as a scenario! Burn...

Awww. How arrogant are you to be so frustrated when everyone doesn't immediately agree with whatever opinion you bless us with. Well, we didn't worship at the altar of your game brilliance, so yeah you probably will leave this foolish forum behind. 


You want an ending? Log off. 

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