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Holliday to Skalisty island

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A funny video of me and my friends taking a trip to and exploring Skalisty island.



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Good tunes.

I will give you 3 beans for the boonies but I will have to take away 2 because of the gas masks and one of your guys being Dora the Explorer.

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Good tunes.

I will give you 3 beans for the boonies but I will have to take away 2 because of the gas masks and one of your guys being Dora the Explorer.


I have to agree. Gas mask has no place on vacations!

The bad skin rash he would get....dont even get me started.

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Good tunes.

I will give you 3 beans for the boonies but I will have to take away 2 because of the gas masks and one of your guys being Dora the Explorer.

Deal, meet me in an abandoned building alone with no weapons out. The one next to the sniper tower, muahahahah.

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