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Server is running an incorrect version of the Server Side Application on every server

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Hello everybody. Anyone getting this result on every server? "Server is running an incorrect version of the Server Side Application"

Is there something wrong with the Hive?

Our server was running, then we all got yellow connections so we restarted it. When it came back up this happened. We've tried multiple servers and, between us, we are all running several different beta versions, so it's probably not that...

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Hello everybody. Anyone getting this result on every server? "Server is running an incorrect version of the Server Side Application"

Is there something wrong with the Hive?

Our server was running' date=' then we all got yellow connections so we restarted it. When it came back up this happened. We've tried multiple servers and, between us, we are all running several different beta versions, so it's probably not that...


Getting this too on NY22 and Dayz page is down

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must be some kinda update that's happening.. anyone know?

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Me and my friends also getting the same error.

New server side patch being made available before the client side?

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Either a DDOS or the new player tracking system being implemented, notice the path of the error is too many connections to the stats page.

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Confirmed' date=' all servers are down/not working


Damn this Alpha! ;-)

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I found out that many servers run now arma 2 beta 94211 while lates version to download is "Latest beta patch: ARMA2_OA_Build_94209.zip" and six updater offers 94203. If anyone knows where to get the 94211 please post a working link!

Oh, now they are back to 209. WTF was that!

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Awesome, spawned in debug plains after this shit with very little food and drink. IT'S GETTING OLD. I RAN FROM HERE YESTERDAY TOO!

EDIT: Actually, I have raw meat but no pile of wood. Fuck this. I'm refusing to play until my character is back on the map.

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