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0 ping on Dayz Commander

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Hey everyone,


When I go to join my server on Dayz Commander, the ping is 0 and the color red. The player count is grey. I have tried to find similar problems and have not come across the problem I am having. 


Any help is greatly appreciated. 

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Usually means the server is down, you can try setting your network to PPPoE in network settings and check your antivirus to make sure its functioning with Commander.  Are you able to join other servers without issue?

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Yes I am able to join every other server, just not my own. i can join the server, but it times out after 120 seconds and I have to disconnect. 


I don't understand how the server is showing up in-game on MP and Dayz Commander, but at the same time the server is down. Could you please explain it to me?


Edit: Occasionally the ping turns green to 1 or 2 but then right back to 0. Could this problem simply be my internet connection? 

Edited by TacticalAhole

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