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[] Weapons in backpack disappear.

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In Primary - CZ550 + 2 clips

In Backpack - m14 aimpoint + 5 DMR mags and ~8 free slots

1 Open inventory

2 Open Bag

3 Switch weapons using arrows

4 CZ550 disapear but 2 mags was safely placed in backpack

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Seems to work, but depends on how you put it in your pack or take it out to use it. If it disappears I believe it drops below the floor. I have had several rifles disappear out of my pack after moving them there while in gear mode, with the pack open and using the arrows to move the item. Once while on the second step from the landing coming up a set of stairs, after picking up a rifle replacing the current primary weapon the rifle it replaced dropped below the floor. I could see it while crouching on the second step and leaning into the floor, where I could then grab it again.

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in my case I had shotgun in my hands. logged out. logged in and my hands emptey and no shotgun anywere. everything else is still in place where supposed to be. version

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In Primary - CZ550 + 2 clips

In Backpack - m14 aimpoint + 5 DMR mags and ~8 free slots

1 Open inventory

2 Open Bag

3 Switch weapons using arrows

4 CZ550 disapear but 2 mags was safely placed in backpack

It's because you try to move an item from your main inventory to your backpack, which is almost full... it deletes the item if there isn't enough free space in your bag. In previous versions it swapped the items, now it deletes it.

I reported it on the bugtracker.

Edited by Kiro

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I have no idea what causes this bug but so far i've had it happen to very specific weapons, mainly sniper rifles. Me and my friends lost between us around 8 sniper rifles because of this bug. Sometimes after 3 days of playing and other times right after finding them. For me this is the bug that really needs to be fixed fast.

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Also happens to me yesterday,

played a whole day to get a Remington 870 and combined it with a flashlight, after this want to switch back to my hatched, cause i want to silent kill the zombies before me to get into a supermarket. For this i put my Remington into my ALICE pack with 11 Slots free.

I know that weapons can disappear after putting then in a full back, so I order some Stuff out to get free space.

After this my Remington was in the Bag, and i saw it in the bag. Now after i cleaned up the supermarket (just found some beans) and go outside of town i want disconnect cause goingt to my girlfriends PC to check where she is. After this i look in again and all was fine, i switch my remington back to my mainhand and go my way. right after this i need to use my hatched again, i put back my weapon to bag and just in this moment my weapeon disappears .. and i still have 13 Slots free in my alice bag.

I totaly hope you fix this as soon as possible, cause i think its a very importan bug in the game.

Otherwhise i Have a idea, think most people just want to switch between hatech and primary weapon, why u cant put a primary weapon in the toolbar? Maybe the weapon should use about 3 Toolbar slot, but i think its the best way to avoid this glitch :o

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Looting a downed helicopter.

Pick up a Bizon SD as a main weapon, tried to put a DMR in my bag and it just disappeared, wasn't on the ground or in my bag.

I had enough space for the weapon, it just went poof.

This is A MAJOR issue in my mind.. Stuff just moves far away from you when you put stuff in full back packs.. Allso in Cars when you don't know how much items slots you have left. Or how much stuff can be stuffed inside.. If its full stuff just disapears...

Just lost my aws cos My full backpack was open and I dropped my stuff.. with DROP button.. NOT THE FREAKING PUT STUFF IN BACK BACK BUTTON BUT DROP! (rage rage wine wine) FIX THISS!

- add slot numbers to car

- when you push drop it should drop stuff not move it around in inventory!

well.. nothing else to fix..

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We have had numerous bugs of guns disappearing from character. I lost an AS50 today from my backpack after logging out and joining. We also can confirm three pistols that did the same thing, two m1911, 1 m9SD. We also lost a Bizon SD.

This is the same issue I have right now. I too lost my M1911, and my AS50. All my other belongings are still here, just those two (which are also my only weapons). Strange enough, my friend has not lost her M1911, nor her AK74-Cobra.

My guess is that only items with a certain rarity got lost? I just hope this gets fixed as soon as possible.

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Date/Time: 27.06.2012 around 6 pm GMT +1

What happened: I was looting North west barracks and decided to take out my alice pack my Aks Kobra to pick of zeds off without getting too close. As a primary at the moment I had an SD Bizon when I switched to my Kobra my bizon was gone. I tried to reconnect but no luck, looked all over the place so it wasn't on the floor.

Where you were: Near Northwest barracks in Southwest barracks.

What you were doing: Looking for loot without pulling a zombie aggro.

As i can say you , the weapon disappear when you haven't got 6 or plus empty room in your backpack.

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I put the AKM without ammunition (either in gun or in a backpack) in an empty noob-bag Coyote Patrol Pack (8 slots). Weapons disappeared. Also lost a few weapons before.

If put a gun in a big bag previously emptied, then fit.

Edited by cybersolder

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Had the same thing, I was looting some buildings at the south-west of elektro, and I tried to put a hatchet and 2 two-bareeled shotguns into my bag (the 8 slots bag - yes, newb inside), without interacting with any nearby items.

This is really gamebreking, should be fixed asap...

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EDIT : sorry, double post, didn't refresh the page x(

Edited by anto418

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This is the saftest sure fire way to change between weapons from backpack in my experience:

While looking at a loot pile (with the gear icon showing) press G. Drop your primary weapon. This should also cause you to drop all associated magazines on your person. Repeat this with the alternate primary weapon you want to arm with at another loot pile.

Second safest way...

While looking away from any loot piles (no gear icon showing) press G. Open your backpack. All the items on your person and in your backpack should be listed on your gear menu. Scroll to the gun you want to take from the backpack, not the one you want to put in the backpack. Using the arrows on the one you want to take out of the backpack move it over onto your person. This method has always automatically moved the other weapon to the backpack, and also exchanged any magazines from the backpack for the alternate weapon that goes with it.

Note: There is another bug associated with this method that I'm going to post in this forum. For weapons that have magazines that take up 2 slots (e.g. machine guns).. the automatic magazine exchange sometimes leads to disappearing gear. The best way to get around this as of yet is to manually move the MG ammo into the backpack, and then move the gun itself, all the while using the first method I described above.

Hope that helps :)

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