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[] Weapons in backpack disappear.

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Date/Time: 27.06.2012 around 6 pm GMT +1

What happened: I was looting North west barracks and decided to take out my alice pack my Aks Kobra to pick of zeds off without getting too close. As a primary at the moment I had an SD Bizon when I switched to my Kobra my bizon was gone. I tried to reconnect but no luck, looked all over the place so it wasn't on the floor.

Where you were: Near Northwest barracks in Southwest barracks.

What you were doing: Looking for loot without pulling a zombie aggro.

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how did you switch from bizon to kobra exactly?

1. bizon equipped in primary slot and then "replaced" it with kobra by clicking it directly out of your backpack to the primary slot?

2. first putting bizon from primary slot into backpack and THEN taking out kobra from backpack to primary slot? (if there is enough space in your backpack left, of course)

3. putting bizon to the ground, then taking kobra out of backpack to primary slot, then pick up bizon from the ground into the backpack?

method 3 should be safe and work everytime. method 2 works also well, but only if you have enough space in your backpack. if you did it like i described in method 1 it CAN happen that the weapon equipped in your primary slot, which is "replaced" by another primary weapon out of your backpack, will just disappear.

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Method 1 Works and 100% safe, but if you click wrong direction (from main to bacpack) weapon land on the ground

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Method 1 Works and 100% safe' date=' but if you click wrong direction (from main to bacpack) weapon land on the ground


it might be that i tried to use method 1 a few weeks ago the last time and that it is fixed now. back then ive lost my weapon with this method.

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Had the same bug, but without the switching!

Found a L85A2 in the northern barracks, seems someone found a better weapon (dont think if there is any at the barracks ^^). So i took it. When i went away from the airfield, i found a dead ghillie suit bearer. With a M4SD, my all favoured gun. I put the L85 into my backpack (there was enough space) and took the M4SD. I went away, before logging out i checked my stuff and was happy about having two of the most awesome guns for me in this game. I logged back in one day later to give the L85 to a friend.... it was gone.... as if i never had it.

So there has to be another bug where weapons disappear from backpacks without changing anything :(

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We have had numerous bugs of guns disappearing from character. I lost an AS50 today from my backpack after logging out and joining. We also can confirm three pistols that did the same thing, two m1911, 1 m9SD. We also lost a Bizon SD. We also have logged in three days in a row from three different camp locations with all loot from all tents and vehicles gone. Vehicles had full fuel so no chance someone raided three camps in three days and left vehicle three times and looted what would have taken 4 coyote packs hours to move even server hopping. Also magazines are disappearing from logging out and logging back in. When I Bizon was lost it was replaced by 10 bandages. The AS50 was replaced by 8 tin cans and 2 empty spots. If this has something to do with all the problems the introduction of hatchets and spawners with no guns, couldn't you have just left what was fine alone? Who cared if a guy spawns with a makarov. Quit listening to the noobs bean warring down in cherno and pay attention to the people who have hundreds of hours played and fix stuff that is broke and find your story again...

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Date/Time: 27.06.2012 around 2 pm GMT +1

Date/Time: 27.06.2012 around 8 pm GMT +1

What happened: First try 2pm.: Hatchet in hand, Double Barrel Shotgun on floor. Traying to put this one into my coyote pack. The shotgun disappear.

What happened: Second try 8pm.: Hatchet in belt, Double Barrel Shotgun in hand. Traying to put this one into my coyote pack. The shotgun disappear.

Where you were: At 2pm inside of a Barn.

Where you were: At 8pm into the forest.

What you were doing: At 2pm looking for a primary weapon into the barn after to clean the area of zombies with hatchet.

What you were doing: At 8pm after harvest wood, make a fireplace, cook and eat in the forest.

*Current installed version: arma2 1.60 build 94103

*Server(s) you were on: FR19 and

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Method 1 Works and 100% safe' date=' but if you click wrong direction (from main to bacpack) weapon land on the ground


No it isn't safe. Don't listen to him.

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Method 1 Works and 100% safe' date=' but if you click wrong direction (from main to bacpack) weapon land on the ground


No it isn't safe. Don't listen to him.

Yes it's safe, but remember bacpack > main, and second both weapon mags must be in main inventory ;)

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In fact I did use Method 1, it seems that from stories of other players the method does sometimes make weapons magically be gone. Guess from now on I gotta watch out, however this has to be fixed.

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I can confirm this bug. I lost 4 weapons in a row to this bug (2 double barreled shottys, an enfield and some sniper i found in a heli crash). Now i have to resort to dropping my gun on the floor when i'm hatcheting away at the zeds (and i'm constantly panicking someone is gonna come behind me, take my gun and cap me). Also, dropping the hatchet from the main slot (instead of putting it in toolbelt) makes the hatchet dissapear.

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Method 1 is the way to do it. I have 3 primary weapons, a Bizon SD equipped, with an AS50 and a FN FAL in my bag. If I want to switch to a different weapon, I open my bag and select the weapon I want to equip, then press the right arrow. It will equip it and put my previously equipped weapon in my bag. I've been doing it this way for MONTHS without a single issue. If you are having any problems it's because you didn't have enough room in your bag or you are just plain doing it wrong.

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We've lost 2 sniper rifles because of the BS inventory system in this game.

Not the mods fault.

One time I was on the hospital roof in cherno and the car wheel I had disappeared then reappeared on the grass beside the hospital.

That was a good day.

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no matter what I do, if I put a gun in my bag it disappears, its just guns, ammo and supplies are perfectly normal. its happened to me several times with different guns/servers/locations (inside buildings and out)

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Had several item deletes over the past 24hr:

issue #1

AK Mags:

10/16 free slots in my backpack

3 AK mags and AK74S-Kobra in inventory

hatchet in belt


i want to equip my hatchet so i can silently kill some zombies.

point at sky, press G (so i don't interact with any ground objects)

double click AK74 -- i want to place it into my 10/16 space bag. it should fit.

result: the AK74 arrives in the bag as expected. all 3 magazines delete themselves.

hypothesis: if i had 16/16 bag space, i think the AK74 and all 3 mags would have arrived in the bag, leaving 3/16. i know placing items into a full bag can delete them (not that its really... acceptable, just that i know of this glitch already). i believe the game put my AK into the 10/16 bag, making it 0/16. after that, it tried to move the 3 mags into the 0/16 bag, deleting them.

issue #2:

the AK itself:

0/16 free slots in my backpack: contents are 6 bandages and an AK74.

in my hand, a second AK74 (my buddy died, i'm carrying both guns now)

confirm AK in hand, 2 mags in my gear. AK and 6 supplies in my 0/16 backpack. spend about 15 minutes laying in the woods to make sure the server syncs up my inventory contents. log off for the night.

log back in? 10/16 bag, ak is gone. still holding one AK in my hand.

could it matter that they were the same model of gun? it was two AK74S-Kobras

anyway, this really sucks. it would be nice to know if the deletions are coming from dayz or from arma2:oa itself. regardless, its really a game breaker and needs priority attention!

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Looting a downed helicopter.

Pick up a Bizon SD as a main weapon, tried to put a DMR in my bag and it just disappeared, wasn't on the ground or in my bag.

I had enough space for the weapon, it just went poof.

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just deleted something else!

issue #3: hatchet

wanted to give my hatchet to a teammate. was carrying ak74

after last time, was insanely careful about doing things:

point up, press g

attempt to drop hatchet -- click hatchet in toolbelt, no drop button on bottom bar

drop 2 AK mags on ground (click mags, click drop button on bottom bar)

confirm mags are on ground

drop AK74 on ground (click ak, click drop button on bottom bar)

confirm AK74 is on ground

right click hatchet and remove from toolbelt

click hatchet (now in primary slot), click drop button on bottom bar

no effect

click drop button a few more times

no effect

right click hatchet, click 'drop hatchet' menu item

hatchet gone from inventory

no hatchet on ground


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Sometimes weapons just disappear. When you are disconnecting - you have one (in your hand/ in your backpack - no matter) but when you are connecting again next time - oops - no weapon. Two weeks ago I lost my DMR. Tonight I lost M14 EP1. It was in my backpack (I had two rifles DMR and M14 EP1 - it's really handy combination, they use same ammo, DMR for long distances, M14 for middle distances). I changed server and I noticed that my backpack has 9 empty slots and no M14 in it, only DMR left (in my hands). It's really annoying - so hard (for me at least) to get nice rifle and it's gone in a blink of an eye.

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Try to swap an item from your pack to inventory and then back again, this seems to trigger "saving".

Also sit still for like 60s before logout to make double sure you are saved.

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I had something similar happen to me earlier today, i picked up a M4A3 CCO with 6 STANAG SD clips, and i put them in my backpack, and then logged to walk my dog, when i got back about an hour later, i logged in and my M4A3 CCO became a AKM, and the STANAG ammo turned into AKM clips. they were exactly where i left them, only difference is they converted to a lesser gun, i would really like my gun and ammo back :(

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It's happenening to me. Any weapons placed in backpack go poof. I've lost an AK, an Enfield and 2 Crossbows because of it :C

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Had it happen to me with a L85A2 AWS that I found at a heli site, had it in my backpack for two days logged in the third and it was gone. I wont be storing any more weapons in my backpack till this is fixed.

Haven't lost a weapon since I stopped storing them in my backpack.

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There are 2 problems described in these thread.

1. Weapon in backpack gone after reloggin.

- When you found a new weapon and place it in backpack, dont logout for less than 15mins. So the Database realy get what you have. Thats i handle it, and never lost a weapon so far.

2. Switching weapon from backpack to Item Slot.

- When you switching weapon and the gun seams dissapeard...its not!

your player just throw the weapon to the ground in a 20m distance around you. Its sometimes pretty hard to find it in all the grass and trees =) But its there!

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In Primary - Hatchet.

In Backpack - C550 + 4 clips.

On Ground - FN FAL + 4 clips.

Hatchet sent to tool belt.

Clips placed in backpack making sure I had plenty of space (10 slots) and no ammo items in pouches.

FNFAL picked up.

Backpack opened & CZ550 moved to Primary.

Both weapons disappeared.

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