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TylerDurden (DayZ)

Draw Distance tanking frame rate?

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Draw distance is set client side if I'm correct. It's under your control in the settings. Also, I'm not sure if it applies to draw distance, but I know it applies to others. Depending on which setting you have it at, it changes whether its GPU or CPU based. For example, if you have shadows set to anything except normal (correct me if I'm wrong) then it it sets it to CPU based, but on normal its GPU. ArmA 2 is weird like that

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Need to know too. Seems like it is always 1000 for me and I would like more

It is set to 5kms to me in my settings and it works on non-dayz servers well. On dayz I can only see for 1km

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Visibility is your draw distance setting I believe m8 cheers

This. And nice avatar.

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If I'm not mistaken, I think the draw distance is always defaulted to 1600m so that people don't have an advantage over others. I believe every server must run it like this. Maybe you could lower it for yourself if you don't mind not being able to see as far as others, but I haven't tried that.

I'm not 100% sure but I think this is how it works with Day Z.

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Draw distance is set on the server, it doesn't matter what you do with the slider... :)

The only way you can use Draw Distance in Arma is to play a mission with a script running in the Init.sqf file like this :

setViewDistance 2000;


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The draw distance is fixed, as it the terrain detail. Normally setting terrain detail to very low removes all grass. Obviously, this would give people massive advantages, so that is fixed as well.

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Draw distance is locked by the server. You can change it for single player, but in multi-player they want everyone to have the same view distance.

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