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Bohemia Interactive's Operation Supply Drop Team

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Join us and some of our fantastic community members in a 24-hour gaming marathon starting on Saturday, the 17th May at 9:00am Eastern Time (1pm GMT)!

Team Bohemia is open to anyone that wants to try and raise money for this worthy cause, so you can join up here: http://www.operationsupplydrop.org/team/5237


We are also looking for a core group of streamers, if you are interested in streaming as part of our team, then please get in touch with me at matt.lightfoot@bistudio.com


During the 24 hour period we have some DayZ keys and possibly some other goodies to give away in the streams.




So what is operation supply drop?

Operation Supply Drop is a military gaming charity designed to build video game filled care packages for soldiers (America and Her Allies) both deployed forward to combat zones as well as those recovering in military hospitals.

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