Turak (DayZ) 0 Posted June 27, 2012 Hi all,In this thread I will present you guys a list of things that I consider is damaging the game/causing high frustration. I was in doubt if I should post this here or in troubleshooting, but as I will make suggestion to fix those problems then I decided to post it here.If any suggestion cant be implemented because DayZ is just a mod, consider it so for future games like ArmA 3 or DayZ standalome.1) Nerf Lee Einfield and WinchesterI hardly suggest a nerf for Lee Einfield and Winchester for two reasons.-realism reason: why one pre II WW weapon and a M1 garand variant should be more power than actual weapons, like M4A1 and AKs variants, and kill in one hit? To kill someone with an AK I have to spend several bullets, and most Ill miss because of its recoil. I believe AKs bullet is high caliber and can cross walls and ppl, also the same thing for US military rifles, I doubt that winchester and Einfield has the same power however they are better in many ways: they kill in one shot and they are very accurate. You can argument that they are semi automatic, but this doesnt make they weaker. If Im carrying any high tier weapon, a guy with those old weapons could easily kill me, even if I hit him, because its one hit one kill.-game mechanic reason: because of the one hit kill and its high accuracy, Im starting to careless for high tier weapons. Also winchester and Einfield are pretty common to find and high tier weapons are not. So again why they can kill in one hit?? Any noob can find one of those weapons, and that guy that explored the map as retarded to get an high tier could see all his job wasted because one noob found a winchester in any town's building and hit him in the first shot. Because of that you start to loose any reason to go contryside and explore the map. Also, double-barred are shit and cant kill in one shot but its use the same bullets as M1104 (M1104 can kill in one shot), so why winchester is so powerful?Suggestion: Lee Einfield - 2 shots to kill at short range; 3-4 shots at middle and long range. Winchester - 1 shot to kill at short range; decrease its accuracy at middle and long range, 3-4 shots at middle range, lots of shots at long range (you can hit someone far of you if you perfectly lock him in ironsight, this should never happen since its a shotgun and it fires projetiles that split, it should also hit more than one target, and kill in one shot at short range, but for middle and long range it should cause shit damage WHEN you hit).2) Player's base securityBarbed fence, tanks trap and sand bags are an attempt to allow us to make bases and save stuff. That could be considered an end game. However is a fail attempt since ppl can server jump. If you see a tent protected by barbed fence, its easy to steal it anyway: change server, walk in tentes direction, back to that server and wow you are inside, get the stuff and repeat the others steps. Bear traps can prevent it, but still is a weak protection. Suggestion: I dont understand of programming and modding, however I know that Minecraft has a character per server system. If you could implement that to DayZ that would be fixed for ever. If you cant just hope you think about it in ArmA 3 or the standalone of DayZ (if this is gonna to happen).3)Barbed fence Why barbed fences are so easy to build and tents are such a pain in the ass?? Could you restrict the iron fence building? like not allowing to place in tied palces, like doors? It also should cause damage to zombies and players when touch it.4)T-shirt stampsCan we have a folder that we put some .gift image and then it displays in our character t-shirt? That would make easier to indentificate our friends/guild mates.5)Revert tempSince one last patch (cant remember what patch was) changed temperature this feature becomes pointless/bugged. But at the time it was implemented in the game we didnt have heat packs, so it was hard to warm yourself, now that we have easier ways to warm ourselves this feature was nerfed and all those heat packs are useless. Also this feature is doing nothing to the gameplay... Its been forgotten.6)Remove wood pile from loot tablesWe have enough axes now to go and harvest some wood pile. Why wood pile spawn at loot tables anyway? The three shoped itself? Ppl can argument that someone could have a stock of wood in his home before the apocaplipse, but its spawning even in unfinished buildings and why we dont get raw meat too so? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nyarhra 0 Posted June 27, 2012 Sorry i stopped reading at the Winchester/lee enfield complaintsYou should do some research The Winchester is not a shotgun and it fires slugs not pelletsThe lee Enfield is .303 and is a high powered very accurate weaponI suggest you google them and then come back Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 300 Posted June 27, 2012 +1 to NyarhraGo play you cookie cutting game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted June 27, 2012 Sorry i stopped reading at the Winchester/lee enfield complaintsYou should do some research The Winchester is not a shotgun and it fires slugs not pelletsThe lee Enfield is .303 and is a high powered very accurate weaponI suggest you google them and then come backQuoted for truth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fallout10mm 4 Posted June 27, 2012 Enfield is balanced by the fact that its ungodly loud, and will alert every zed in a mile radius (and every player within 2 miles) and the Winchester lost its pellets a few patches ago and now only has slugs (which like in real life, go a hell of a lot farther and with more accuracy then most in most games). Also calling the enfield a m1 Garrand variant irks the hell out of me, enfield was a pre ww1 rifle (adopted in 1895) and is bolt action compared to the Garrand's semi auto and fires a .303 caliber round (which when converted to mm becomes a 7.7 about same sized round the dmrs and AKMs use, 7.62) and the Winchester fires a .44 slug. Both of these rounds would knock you on your ass and incapacitate if not outright kill you with a single round. The M16 and its variants in the game, along with the ak-74s all use the 5.56mm round, which, while still very deadly, is alot less powerful then its bigger friend. The main benefit of using the 5.56 auto rifles over the enfield and Winchester is RATE OF FIRE, as you can switch them to FULL AUTO and play spray n' pray when in a firefight with bandits.As for your second point about base security, there isn't much you can do about it, 90% of the time someone takes the barb wire and plants it in a major loot spot just for shits and giggles, actually using them for base defense does nothing because of server hoping, so until they figure out a solution to that, you'll just have to grit your teeth and deal with it. As for the rest of your points I don't really have any comments on other then, yes remove wood piles from the loot table and add them as a action when near residential buildings that have already chopped wood stacked outside. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turak (DayZ) 0 Posted June 27, 2012 Sorry i stopped reading at the Winchester/lee enfield complaintsYou should do some research The Winchester is not a shotgun and it fires slugs not pelletsThe lee Enfield is .303 and is a high powered very accurate weaponI suggest you google them and then come backSorry I didnt know that and would never know since Im not a military guy. But as I said still there is a problem, if it is irl or not accurate and deadly there is no reason so for me to look after other guns. Sorry, you should have read the rest... if Lee Einfield is so powerful Aks and US rifles are not such powerful at the point to kill in one shot so? In truth EVERY weapon can kill in one shot, if the game is supposed to follow the real life so lets do it. My complaint is not only about realism. Im sorry if you got angry because of my ignorance, but could you explain me so why I should look for rare weapons wich doesnt kill in one shot if I have a lot of Einfields and Winchesters spawning at any town? Im being honest, try to convince me.@Fallout10mm I see. But can you tell me if other weapons are still deadly? I know about fire rate but its not any advantage imho. Both weapons will aggro zombies and make such noise that players can hear (I mean Einfield, Winchester, AKs etc) so this is not a point down for einfield, and lets imagine the situation that you have spotted a guy with your AK, you start shooting, he still have the chance to turn, shoot and kill you, if he spots you first its game over. The point is: if those weapons are so good, why rl armies are not using them? Because rate of fire right? But is because they have to spend 5-10 bullets to kill one guy or because 5-10 bullets can kill more than one guy in one second? Sorry, Im not a weapon specialist if you can explain this Ill enjoy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted June 27, 2012 If you miss one shot with the Enfield, your chances of getting another in drop dramatically. That thing's loud, yo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fallout10mm 4 Posted June 27, 2012 The enfield and Winchester are fine for /zombies/, they are not however all that great for the bigger threat: other players. And yes every gun can kill in oneshot, one headshot, every other gun except the 107 requires multiple hits to kill another player, and with the low ROF of the enfield and winchester, you'll likely not get enough rounds off in a "fair" fight. More rounds down range = better chance to hit when panic firing or when enemy is in cover. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nyarhra 0 Posted June 27, 2012 No need to apologize if fact maybe i should say sorry if my post came across a little harsh:)To your question the lee Enfield may be a good weapon but it's very loud, in game it has the nickname off "the dinner bell" because it will pull infected from a great distance around you and bandits will get a bearing on your position.The Winchester is considered too slow although it's one of my favorite weapons early on and also it loses accuracy over long distancesSo if you get the chance grab a winnie and keep an eye out for something better i hope this answers your questions Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turak (DayZ) 0 Posted June 27, 2012 Yeah, Einfield is very loud but other weapons like m16 are loud too. About zombies it should be as it is now, but against players I still dont think AKs and others have a big advantage, compared to its rarity, against those old weapons, and again its spawning rate is high. Even if the guy miss his first shot you also can miss, since AKs and others recoil could make that for you and Einfield, like you guys said is very accurate and its recoil its not something hard to deal with. When I started to play DayZ, when I saw an AK or m16 I was like "Oh my god!", now Im just fine with my Einfield or Winchester.If you guys are ok with its deadly shots, still they could change its spawn rate or spawn point because any one can have it. I still dont think is worth to change my Einfield/Winchester for any other weapons (except for snipers), but the only way to discover if in a fair fight (wich could never happen) other weapons owns is doing some duels. But lets be realist: most ppl just camp wich in this situation I believe Einfiled takes all advantages (except against snipers). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LVBritannia 0 Posted July 2, 2012 I'll keep my Bizon, TYVM, yeah it takes multiple shots, but you won't ever see me ;-)I don't intend to fight fair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peninja 0 Posted July 2, 2012 Problems go in the bug forums Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravenger 10 Posted July 2, 2012 The lee enfield is a great weapon and one of my favorites. Ill admit on was on top of the firestation banditing and either another bandit or a bandit killing team opened fire on me from that tall industrial building. There were 3 of them. One was running back and forth trying to get me to get out of cover and shoot. The other had what sounded like a cz550. The 3rd i never found ill get to him. After about 10 minutes of them taking shots at me i scooted back slowly and i dont know how far the top of the industrial building is from the firestation but i think its like 400m. He was a little smaller or the same size as my sight. I took one shot and before he saw me scoot into position he was squirting mounds of blood in the air 1 more shot and he died. The second ran to his body in an atempt to salvage his stuff. I dispactched him as he wasnt so smart and was easily visable. The 3rd I never found and I was so tempted into getting that guys gear i went down the ladder and was sniped as i tried getting to the 2nd ladder. All in all the enfield is a great gun and I think they shouldnt get rid of it.The only reason they should get rid of it is to replace it with the mosin nagant and my only beef with the enfield is it has no bullet drop. For that it is kind of an OP player killing weapon. I like my l85a2 aws. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites