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disable the out side of the map

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As I know a lot of players and clans etc. setting up camp and hide all the vehicles out side of the map, I think there should be trigger in both left and top of the map to say that the player is leaving the game world and if he's not return he will die.

for all those who needs extra "reality" it can be simply explained that those areas are more infected and that why you cant go there...


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I thought this was already the case. o_O

If not, then definitely +1. To me, sounds like an exploit, and should be patched as such. Ya know?

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Mines outside of the city, lets see some fireworks :D

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I would say not more infected, but just high levels of infection. If you stay outside of map for longer then 30 seconds, you get infected, and continuously lose blood until you die.

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How about outside the map your gear starts to disappear and the longer your there the more gear you lose

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a "cold" mechanic could work.

rapid body heat loss outside the map occurs.

whatever the case, "out of bounds" travel and item storage should be removed.

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Whatever it is, it should be implemented. Let's stay on the field of play please.

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