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Snipers.. much

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So, its known that in high populated areas or valued ones (NWAF,Stary/NEAF) there tend to be snipers in the hills looking at the hangars or other military spawns if more then 10 or 12 players

what would you guys suggest to raid the airfields anyways?

of course just running to the airfield will get you killed, and searching for the snipers is very hard (they often have ghillie suits, and hear you coming from miles because steps make noise without end)

maybe try to lure them away?

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In my vists to them places before i drop a back pack full of flares in a location i know snipers will be looking and go the otherside of the airfield by the hangers and loot and move on, the pretty lights distract them ;)

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NWAF on high pop severs doesnt seem to have too many people, as a lot of players hear its a ddeathtrap, and dont go. Therell usally be a few there, but nothing a compete group cant handel. And Ive never heard of airfield snipers.

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sure, on night servers where they have nightvision anyways, throwing flares around gives you some time, however unless you dont have nightvision yourself, you cant kill them basically,

but how yould you go in order to kill them?

@Soldier of Failure: What server are you playing on? my servers have snipers at the airfields almost every time, often stary sobor, too

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throw flares, and lots of them!???


We can't see jackshit with NVG's when there's flares up..

Unless ur running with a shitty screen, and gamma/brightness is fucked up..

I've run over the runway with sniper's trying to kill me, i threw 3flares over and run through them, holding my own flare, they can't look at it :p and sooting blindly will give their spot away :D

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that is if they have the M4 cco with integrated nightvision, if they have a rifle you can use the actual NV with, they will just shut it off and then see you(while running around with the torch)

though, throwing a torch in the general direction of the airfield could actually work, just be sure to keep the spots where the loot is unlit, or they'll get ya

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NWAF on high pop severs doesnt seem to have too many people' date=' as a lot of players hear its a ddeathtrap, and dont go. Therell usally be a few there, but nothing a compete group cant handel. And Ive never heard of airfield snipers.


I can confirm the existence of airfield snipers. Was in the control tower at NWAF yesterday. Grabbed some loot, and went from a crouch to prone...And heard a sniper round smash the glass above my head. Next thing I know, another 5/6 rounds are in the building, and then I hear more sniper fire from a seperate direction, also aimed at me. Needless to say, I high-tailed it out of there.

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