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Group of 2 ~ Looking for one or two more

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Hey me and a pal of mine are looking for one of two more guys to play DayZ with. We want someone fairly relaxed and somewhat experienced. You also need to have a mic and a skype. We are US East and we play usually late at night. Sometimes during the day.

We really just want some firepower and some more friends.

Leave your skype here if you're interested and I'll send you a request.

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Here it is


I'll be faint though..

I don't have the most attractive voice in the world.

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i,m up too

but i see that you already have 2 :(


if you need me, i,ll be there :)

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Ah, well the more the better? I will come on too, But i would prefer if you contacted me on steam, because I'm only on skype when i need to be, I'm british by the way, time differences :), My steam is Nickname: JuP and Original: Jambird99. Thanks!

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Very nice, I am US EAST, North Carolina to be exact, and I am very active. I have a mic and a Skype, owningu1.

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