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Noob with some insights *spoilers*

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Hey guys, feel free to add what you want to this post. I am relatively new, and have begun getting the hang of Day Z. I bought Arma2 6/25/12. After reading all these posts about people being very upset the game is too hard, I figured I would off some insight, from a noob to noobs.

This game is AMAZING. If you're having a rough time, stick with it. If you have made 50+ toons and still die after 10 minutes... read on zed heads.

-Learn to alt+tab out of the game and use a map.

-I use dayzmap.info.

-When you first spawn, check bottom right corner for your locale.

-Alt+tab to map, and triangulate your location.

-Depending on where you start, you have a few options...

-Take EVERYTHING very, very slowly. There is a VERY steep learning curve. Granted, when you start it doesn't really matter if you die quickly, I figure you must start learning to evade zeds sooner than later.

-When ~50m out from a loot spawn, start crawling. It takes some time, but once you get the hang of the zed noises and their aggro circles you'll be crouch running into loot spawns in no time.

-I always try to hit deer stands before I even think about looking for food. A gun is a VERY nice backup plan.

-Use your numpad, 1 and 3 look behind you, 4 and 6 look left and right, 7 and 9 are ~45 degrees left and right.

-Paranoia is good, always be checking your surroundings.

-Once you have a weapon, start hitting low yield buildings for food and sodas. Only pick up Cokes, Pepsi sucks.

-YOU spawn zeds. When rolling up on a building, barn or deer stand they spawn because YOU'RE there. I've had zeds spawn 50m in front of me because I was turned around.

-Learn which buildings house loot. *Usually* brown, dumpy looking houses have a door in. A lot of house loot spawns aren't enterable. Simply find the front door, there's a sort of foyer outside the door with loot.

-When people say "Look in barns, they haz good lewts." They are talking about the "Medium Yield" buildings (on the map I mentioned above) in the middle of nowhere. Yes, they have amazing loots. There are usually zombies inside though.

-Press the "F" key to cycle through your flares. Left click to throw, longer you hold, yep, the farther you throw. Use these to flush zeds out of barns, houses, etc.

-ALWAYS fire in "Iron Sights" mode. (Right click while weapon is equipped.)

-Don't use your flashlight.

-Run from other player characters, unless you're both unarmed.

-If you hear gunshots, hit the deck (z), they're probably shooting at you.

-I'd stay as far away from Cherno and Elektro until you know WTF you're doing. : /

-On the map mentioned above, castles are AMAZING loots spawns. They tend to have extremely short names. Usually three letters and in the middle of nowhere. Use extreme caution.

I'm on hour ~6. My first toon over 30 minutes easily. The game is so much fun. Only thing that's a little annoying is the lack of objectives. Be creative: family/friend/gf in X town, must get there asap. I have more tips, figured I went over my limit already. I understand there's a few guides out there like mine. Except I'm a noob and the other guides are written by vets. Figure I'd give a morale boost to the starters. I never got to spawn with a gun, so I don't have that point of view. I think the game is perfect as is atm. It's very rewarding when you find your first weapon.

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-spawned? screw the shore cities and head inland, less players, descent gun drops, some food and water.

-Cherno, elektro, Bolata, NWAF = Shot on site no matter what so dont do it unless you are a super ninja or armed (maybe with a buddy too)

-Castles are generally enpty of people so it is a good idea to hit them up.

-makarov>most other pistols in the way that you will rarely ever run out of ammo if you do a good job in the frequency that you loot

-Hospital doors wont open, so break the windows (Quietly).

Just a few more from what i have found out so far

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-Get friends. Then roll into chernoo like it was nobodies busniess.

-Grab 4 morhpine from the hospital per player if you can

-get 2 blood packs per player

-A few epi-pen never hurt

-Go into the hills and see if you cant find a bandit armed with a sniper, kill em and you may have a m107 before heading even a mile north :D

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