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The thing with the broken legs

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sorry but the brokenlegssystem, as it is at the moment, is unplayable. Only the healing with Morphine, an item, that is difficult to find since the latest version, is shit.

Please, Please, Please make the chance bigger to find Morphine or make that Zeds doesent breake Legs or spawn medical assistens on mor points on Map.

Im lying at the northwestairfield, because of an zedhit, that brokes my legs. The only way i have is to die or rob houres to the miles away hospital. Ok, its true you can find Morphine at hospitals and have to loot it before walking north, but in 90% you die at a hospital because of camping bandits.

Ohterwise it will be helpfull, if broken legs healing in time. After 1-2 days you could walk in crotchposition, after 5 Days its all normal.

Or put a item in the game "First aid kit" with that you can heal one of all injurements by an dropdownlist in inventory.

plese do thomething its kidden at the moment.

sorry for my bad english :-/

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In the patch notes for 1.7.2 (the next patch) Rocket is lowering the chance to receive a broken leg from zombies.

Morphine spawns are fairly common, if you know where to look.

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Crawled back over 1 hour to Berenzino yesterday evening to get the morphine for my broken leg.

Found the morphine but i needed 3 akm magazines to fend off the Zed's and one Player who looked for me after shooting the hospital windows ;-)

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The broken leg system is completely idiotic. Wanna know what really happens that causes me to break my leg most of the time? Taking a 2 foot drop off stairs accidentally. Glitching into scenery. Opening doors. Vaulting over barbed wire. Going prone behind the gas station counter. Being at full HP and randomly getting my leg broke on the first hit by a zombie. This is what gives me a broken leg. You know, if you really want people to not just fucking shoot themselves when their leg gets broke, because honestly if I have no mates around and no morphine that's just what I'm going to do because it's such a dread to have to actually go get morphine or wait for a medic (nicest guys ever but not always available). What's more is I'm expected to believe in a realistic aspect about my legs somehow both breaking from trauma to my upper body. What's even more audacious is an expectancy of realism about morphine magically healing my broken bone instantly. What does morphine come from a magical land of blessed fairy tales where no one ever dies? That's idiotic.

First off, the most likely broken limb is the arm. Know what you could do? You could make someone break ONE arm and only be able to use their side arm. That would be a believable and real injury that might happen. Second, to actually heal a broken bone should be the actual process of healing it. I'm not asking for a system as complex as handling different kinds of fractures and complex breaks or things like that, I'm just asking for something like a timer and a splint for healing. It's not like splints are rare, but morphine definitely is. And you could even put splint spawns out of medical spawns because they're in more than just that. For broken legs you could add canes or other things for people to walk with.

In short, make breaking bones a rare event and get rid of magical morphine in favor of actual healing bones.

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I like the broken leg system. It teaches you to not only be extremely careful when walking. But also be extremely cautious around zombies.

My advice, don't venture out without morphine. It's very vital that you have some. Perhaps moreso than a weapon in most cases.

My Priority is to get food and water and medical supplies before arming my self, but if I happen to come across a place to arm up before I reach a location that may have morphine, you can bet your ass that i'm going to try for that first.

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Crawled back over 1 hour to Berenzino yesterday evening to get the morphine for my broken leg.

Found the morphine but i needed 3 akm magazines to fend off the Zed's and one Player who looked for me after shooting the hospital windows ;-)

Protip: You can silently blow out hospital windows by throwing tin cans at them ;3

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what building does usually spawn morphine? apart from hospitals and military tents?

churches? markets?

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I really do hope that the 1.7.2 patch does not render the medical system pretty useless.

If you only encounter a broken bone or severe pain every 200 zeds, you'd never worry about medical supplies anymore.

Should be the second most important thing to look for right after food.

Furthermore nearly no player is scared of zeds this way.

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I agree it is stupid. The new spawn gear should include a morphine pen instead of painkillers.

INB4 not many people would have access to morphine

In reality, which this mod is supposed to replicate, 99.9% of the population would not break their leg upon getting punched, bit, fall 2 feet down a stair or open a door.

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People actually blow out the hospital windows? Man, you become a fish in a barrel if you do that.

I go around the back - there's usually a medical box beside the ladder, and if not, there is always one on the roof.

Then it also becomes a good place to scope out the greater area for players.

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If I break a leg, I usually take the "Horse Hospital" approach and off myself. Crawling for an hour to get to a town that may or may not have morphine is more of a burden than just starting over.

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I agree in part with what the OP is saying. I think it should be feasible that you would be able to find morphine in other parts of the city/or a town. Some places could be a doctor's house or practice or a clinic.

** Too Long Didn't Read - different types of bone break, more tactics**

I went by myself to raid the hospital in Berezino (sp). I had an ALICE pack but it was pretty full of meat. I ended up with more blood bags and morphine than I could carry. Having this stuff spread out just a little would be good. I mean if you can find half decent weapons and massive boxes of machine gun ammo and body bags in a deer stand, the odd med-kit wouldn't be out of the question.

I'd love it if the broken bones system was more complex. It would give more tactics to survival. I would like to see.

1. Broken leg. Different to how it is now. Most common from falling off high roofs etc. Can happen from gun-shots. Least common but possible from Zed attacks. A wood pile + bandage could be used to splint it. This would allow for ONLY up-right walking. Morphine used to fix.

2. Broken ribs. Most common from gun-shots. Can happen from Zeds attacks, least common but possible from falling off roofs. Morphine to fix. The would cause the player to be hunched over, reducing max speed to crouch-run.

3. Broken arm. Most common from Zed attacks, can happen falling, least common, but possible from gun-shots. Would cause you to only be able to use small weapons like side arms. Morphine to fix.

This is where the tactics come in. It would be possible to have all 3 broken bone types. You've only go one morphine (on you), which do you use it on? Which is affecting you most badly? Or you've got broken ribs, do you save the morphine in case you break your leg?

In the case of having a broken arm you'd be forced to use a single hand weapon. If you're in a group do they give you the 1911 as your best chance? Should the hunting knife be a low powered melee weapon as this is all you can effectively use now? (Assuming you don't have a hand gun).

If you did have a broken leg, arm and ribs and had managed to splint your leg would you character (limping slowly) also cry out in pain, making a bit of noise?

Finally, should having a broken bone be more of a health concern? For each broken bone limit max blood. I.E.

1 bone broken - max blood 11200

2 bones broken - max blood 10400

3 bones broken - max blood 9600

As I understand it having less than 9000 blood is dangerous to vision, being knocked down/out.

So overall having morphine as difficult to come by but not always game breaking would be interesting.

Let me know your thoughts. :)

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