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US 155 / 156 - Kansas 1 & 2 - official n0ob servers thread

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Yes, I do play on 156 all the time, under the same name. God you sound awful. Oh and if you were referring to 274 zombies killed, please kill me now, because that was the best troll ever. 274 zombie kills and counting guys! Watch out! ROFL

Edited by Kurian

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I'll let you know on this thread when I kill you.

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Maybe, or I might just describe your gear to you, but then again who knows how honest you'd want to be then.

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Honestly I upgraded to so I have no idea if I have the UAZ still lol and yes you can drive the UAZ through forests no problem.

We almost lost the UAZ the other day though I logged on went up to it guess someone was in the middle of stealing it shot me, but my friend was logging on right after so he waited in a tree for the guy to go for it and shot him lol. I only semi feel bad though because you have to know if your raiding a camp people probably logged there so them appearing in camp is a risk.

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I only ask because I now own a UAZ, and wasn't sure if there is more than one, or if I stole yours.

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Again: thanks for all your support guys. I'm not the most active admin, but I do intend to keep these servers running through the DayZ alpha + beta stages. I'll try to keep you guys more up-to-date on when there will be server downtime.

Just keep in mind that we're still in alpha; shit is going to break, hackers are gunna hack, and there's always plenty of dicks around that will try to ruin your fun. I know it sucks to get killed by a hacker, or to find all your shit/camp/vehicles missing, but that just goes with the territory in this game.

The DayZ dev team is more active now with notifying server admins when there are updates, etc, so I'll try to get my server up to date asap, but sometimes I like to wait for a more stable release if one is particularly fucked.

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Player John Gameson killed me using an invincibility hack. Fully geared guillie+AS50 player. I put 10 rounds MINIMUM of my AKM into his chest at point blank range. No bleeding, no death. He in turn shoots me with 1 shot point blank and I die. I was newish spawn so no worries about the gear loss, however he should have died. Full story is in the cheater reporting forums. US 155 Kansas @ 0725 hours 07/30/2012.

Edited by SmackZone

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Hackers on US 156 currently. They're teleporting players to Grozovy Pass and killing them. They tried to get me and I aborted instantly. Its 255am EST.

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Definitely confirm hackers on right now.

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Hackers on US 156 currently. They're teleporting players to Grozovy Pass and killing them. They tried to get me and I aborted instantly. Its 255am EST.


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Funny thing was that I was hunting for camps and heard the explosions and watched them for a full 5 minutes before they got to me. I wish I had fraps installed.

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Well I'm done with your servers for a while. I watched a guy appear in front of me out in the middle of nowhere and kill me instantly. That's twice I've died to hackers on both your servers within 24 hours. You need admins.

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Yeah, although I don't see that happening. JeffAllenCraig already said he's not going to be the most active admin. I almost never see him on. I think I only saw him on the server once, and I'm not sure it was even him, it was just a guy named Jeff, so who knows. If you're looking for an active admin though, I don't think us 155 or 156 is for you.

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As much as I truly love veteran servers. I think I'm going to stick to nametag servers so I can at least identify my hatred.

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I refuse to play the game with nametags.

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Arma 3 is set to be released around Q4 of this year. DayZ will be moved to Arma 3, and at that point we'll have a totally new game with new anti-cheat software (hopefully) and we'll have a whole new slew of hackers abusing new security vulnerabilities. Until that time, we are here only to bug-test this game. It sucks to lose all your shit to a hacker, but your gear should not be the reason you play this game. We play it to find bugs.

I host a server for two reasons:

1. My schedule makes it so the best time for me to play is at night, when all the servers are dark. I have servers to provide a place for me (and others with a similar schedule) to play in the light.

2. To assist with the DayZ build process. To provide a stable, consistent, stock vanilla DayZ server for bug checking.

Hacks are a part of an alpha test. The code has vulnerabilities that Battleye tries to protect, but someone has to find those vulnerabilities before they can be fixed. And when a ton of script kiddies start using know scripts, those hacks get fixed by the Battleye guys. Unfortunately, DayZ is pretty hackable, and it's going to take a lot to fix that.

Take a look at quote from a thread that was posted earlier today ( A Warning Server Admins: BattlEye v1.167 (once again) fully bypassed, scripts released to public. )

Hey Everybody,

I just wanted to make a warning post to all the server admins out there to be extremely vigilant as multiple new undetected bypasses for BatlEye have recently been released to the public. Expect hacking to spike up quite a bit in the next few days. The worst part is the methods that these bypasses use to get around BattlEye will prevent any analytic information from being sent to the server (scripts will not appear in log files).

So, basically we're f**ked until BattlEye decides to patch these new bypasses. These bypass methods are actually very old, been around for a few months. The only difference is that the bypasses have recently been recompiled, reobsfucated, and re-released to the masses so BattlEye will no longer detect the MD5 hashes of the hacks the skids use.

I do understand that in order to keep testers interest in the game, you have to keep it free from hacks and any bugs that make the player loose all their shit. But we're talking about undetectable hacks. I can't look in the scripts.txt file anymore to check for a hackers script injection. I have not tools that allow me to determine if someone is hacking or not.

I will make the best attempt I can at banning the hackers, but as I've said before, I need good information/evidence to go by. Names, screenshots, timestamps, coordinates, specifics on their gear (I can find them by what gear they have), and in general, just better info. I get a few good reports from people, but I've never gotten one that gave me enough info or proof to really help me ban these fuckers.

I will look into the cases that have been reported, and I'll start taking a 'ban first' approach. People will be able to appeal their ban here or on n0ob.com , but most hackers aren't going to bother.


Yes hackers suck. DayZ is really hackable and Admins don't have any tools to detect them. I'll make sure my global ban list is updated, but there isn't much I can do unless you give me good proof.

Edited by JeffCraig

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Hey JeffCraig, had a guy on earlier that I know was the hacker because there was only a couple of people on, all of which I've played with a ton before except one guy. Ric Timbles. I even did a search of him and found that he's a known hacker on steam.

Edited by Kurian

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US 155 had a hacker at 4:00pm 08/03/2012. Unknown who it was, but he used an invisibilty hack. My friend and I (same clan tag) were shot at our camp. Neither of us were able to locate the shooter even though he sprayed 10-12 rounds at us and I looked 360 and saw nothing. I managed to get away on one of our motorcycles after my friend was killed. After driving a long way from our camp, my friend had respawned in cherno. As Im driving to pick him up, we both Insta die at the same time. Unknown causes. We both fresh spawn again. Im at the docks in cherno he's in elektro. As Im discussing this last situation with him, I take fire from an AR of some sort. Im hit once and bleeding. I get shot at 15-20 more times, never getting hit. I look and look and look, unable to locate a shooter. After I was 100% sure there was no where the shooter could be, I take more shots closeby eventually dieing to a foe I couldnt see. Soon after my death, my friend who is in Elektro church starts getting shot. Same thing, AR type rifle, multiple shots, foe he cant see. He alt F4's. My friend Tyrimas and I were the only ones online with a clan tag at the time. Im 99% sure we were targeted by this AWSOME player because of that. We both were killed and shot at while at our camp by an enemy we never saw. Both were insta killed together. Both were killed a 3rd time by an invisible shooter after we fresh spawned. Whoever it was, he wanted us offline. He now has a Ural, UAZ, GAZ, Motorcycle, Van, ATV and multiple sets of NV/Rangefinders and a TON of weapons. Thanks Mr. Hacker. Sorry I cant provide proof, but it's hard to do when your instakilled or the guy is invisible and teleport stalking you.

Edited by SmackZone

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Was just at NW Airfield and low and behold I see the thunder dome hack in place. Took a quick look around to see if you could spot the one responsible but no luck.

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