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Atlanta 8: Hacked In HMMVW w/ Screenshot

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Server that it happened on: Atlanta 8

Time that it happened including your timezone: 1:20 AM Eastern Standard Time

What happened during the incident: My two friends and I were at our camp/base area, and suddenly we hear a vehicle. We turn around, and see a player named "keyboardcat" driving a HMMVW. This vehicle is not in DayZ, and is hacked in/spawned.

"keyboardcat" then exited the vehicle, and my friend proceeded to shoot at him point blank with a M107 as the player was standing still. After several shots point blank at him, "keyboardcat" did not die. He had some sort of godmode. "keyboardcat" then shot and killed my friend.

Screenshot of player "keyboardcat" in the HMMVW:


Non-attachment version of the screenshot that you do not need to be signed in to view: http://i.imgur.com/cDmkW.jpg

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