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NonServiam - possbile hack/exploit?

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* Server this happened on.

US 130 Olympia

* Time that it happened including your timezone.

Approx 2:00pm - 3:00pm GMT+10 Brisbane, Australia

* What happened during the incident.

Player named NonServiam would keep reappearing in the airfield after being killed with fully loaded gear. Witnessed by myself (Jaqen H'ghar) and Krios and Roland Deschain. This happened over 7 times as he would be killed and suddenly reappear at different areas at the NW airfield within seconds and start shooting at us again. He also doesn't seem to attract any zombies while running around at full speed.

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* Server this happened on.

US 130 Olympia

* Time that it happened including your timezone.

Approx 2:00pm - 3:00pm GMT+10 Brisbane' date=' Australia

* What happened during the incident.

Player named NonServiam would keep reappearing in the airfield after being killed with fully loaded gear. Witnessed by myself (Jaqen H'ghar) and Krios and Roland Deschain. This happened over 7 times as he would be killed and suddenly reappear at different areas at the NW airfield within seconds and start shooting at us again. He also doesn't seem to attract any zombies while running around at full speed.


Yes I can confirm that I experienced an exploitable glitch. I was playing on one of my favorite servers (Chicago 60) prior using 1.7.0 and later switched to another server with 1.7.0 in the server name. I spawned in the airfield normal (where I left off logged off previously), but with no zeds, no loot. Suddenly I run into Jaqen in what I thought was an empty map, but kept on respawning with the same gear, at the last place I stood still for a moment.

I just happened to post a bug report and then I found this!

My theory is that on certain servers you, you can sometimes spawn in with full interactivity if you are running I don't know why it worked in Olympia, but I live in the Pacific NW US. After restarting Arma I could no longer do that in the Olympia server. It would give me the standard "The server is running a newer version" screen.

Its interesting to note that after updating to latest beta, and logging in I was immediately incapacitated and was starving to death. The timer took about a half hour to give me my inevitable death.

Jaqen and company, I am sorry I shot at you. I am actually not a hacker and was not knowingly exploiting this glitch. But that my gear, I found that legitly. No matter now! Its all gone! Your vengeance came in the form of another fatal glitch!

I have posted a thread in Bug Reports as well.

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