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A Few Question from a New Survivor

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I just have a few questions about things im not too sure on so i figured i'd post in new players to see if you all can enlighten me.

1. What is with the gun spawns? It's quite the challenge to wake up on the shoreline with no defensive capabilities and I love that so much, but are the gun spawns bugged or just really that low? Don't get me wrong i've found a few high-powered rifles in Balota but mostly just tin cans and pop cans.

2. What is the purpose of the tent/camping tent? Is it like a base you can leave items and if the server restarts or you get killed or w/e you can go back to and (if you hid it properly) have a stash of extra weapons?

3. What's the point of the spawns near Cherno and Elektro? I understand the "spawn on the shore" thing but why the hell do you want me near Cherno and Elektro with nothing but a can of beans and a trusty flashlight :P

4. Why is every player ever in this game always a dick? This isnt a serious question but it bugs the hell out of me when I see a player looting a store, Direct Comm him with no reply, and then because he sees chat he moves 10 feet and waits to shoot me for my lack of weapons. Congrats you took my bandage and flashlight! The lack of player communication is so annoying especially when you begin to get somewhat geared and you get shit on because you were moving.

This is in no way a whinefest nor a "Hey developer change this because i play the game and i don't like it this way." Just a few questions. Thanks in advance for answers! :)

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I just have a few questions about things im not too sure on so i figured i'd post in new players to see if you all can enlighten me.

1. What is with the gun spawns? It's quite the challenge to wake up on the shoreline with no defensive capabilities and I love that so much' date=' but are the gun spawns bugged or just really that low? Don't get me wrong i've found a few high-powered rifles in Balota but mostly just tin cans and pop cans.

2. What is the purpose of the tent/camping tent? Is it like a base you can leave items and if the server restarts or you get killed or w/e you can go back to and (if you hid it properly) have a stash of extra weapons?

3. What's the point of the spawns near Cherno and Elektro? I understand the "spawn on the shore" thing but why the hell do you want me near Cherno and Elektro with nothing but a can of beans and a trusty flashlight :P

4. Why is every player ever in this game always a dick? This isnt a serious question but it bugs the hell out of me when I see a player looting a store, Direct Comm him with no reply, and then because he sees chat he moves 10 feet and waits to shoot me for my lack of weapons. Congrats you took my bandage and flashlight! The lack of player communication is so annoying especially when you begin to get somewhat geared and you get shit on because you were moving.

This is in no way a whinefest nor a "Hey developer change this because i play the game and i don't like it this way." Just a few questions. Thanks in advance for answers! :)


1. Its not that hard really, just sprint into a big city since you got nothing to lose and you will find some weapons, ofcourse 60 players server might be looted so try at first servers with less people.

2. Not a base but more like a storage which can be looted by everyone in the server so hide it well.

3. Be happy you are so close to city, you have less running and higher chance finding a weapon.

Btw, if you are close to Cherno go straight to military tents, high chance to find AK.

4. Because everyone is afraid they will be killed if they trust, atm bandit system is broken so just kill everyone you see to be safe.

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Thanks for the reply man. I hadn't thought that i had nothing to lose lol

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1. Rindragon, you can sprint into a city, however it really kind of breaks the feel of the game when you do that. Your best bet to find a weapon is actually to hit up deer blinds (find a map that you like and once you've determined your location on spawn [hint, the location displays briefly when you first login to your character], make your way to deer blinds). Had a 14 hour life ended by a bug yesterday that started with hitting up a deer blind and finding a rifle+ammo. This also tends to be infinitely more safe, as you only have to dodge 2-3 zombies per blind, rather than potentially 40 in a city.

2. You're pretty much spot on between your description and Freon's. A tent can be setup as a base of sorts, but if you don't hide it well, people will find it and loot it (and even if you hide it well, they may stumble onto it). It does allow you to store supplies in case you get caught and killed by a player or zombie, and is supposed to give you 48 hours to get back to it before it despawns, however there are currently bugs with it apparently despawning too quickly or it eating your items.

3. I personally like the spawns near the cities now that I'm becoming more familiar with dodging zombies (and their quirks) as well as where to go for loot. If I die (and can't get to where my team is guarding my corpse quick enough) and spawn near a town, I will go hit the grocery store and a few apartments in order to hopefully get some loot to make the trip safer. If I die, I lose nothing; if I find a pistol, a bag, some food/water, and medical supplies, well, it's that much easier to make it halfway across the map without starving or becoming carrion.

4. This one I can be guilty of myself, just because of what Freon said. I've been caught basically with my pants down because I didn't shoot someone in a room with me that dragged in some zombies (which appeared to be an accident at the time). We killed all of the zombies, I said good job and proceeded to eat a bullet. If I can tell you are unarmed, I'll more than likely let you pass (in fact this happened yesterday to a guy with an alice pack, but no weapons [side note: poor bastard got shot 5 minutes later]). It's a Pavlovian response at this point, shoot first, ask questions later, because if you ask first, you'll probably not like the taste of the answer.

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