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Hey people! Name is Ghost/LPderek. I need your help!

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Hi everyone who reads this post!

I am trying to start my own server! But since I dont have the income at the moment (taking care of my grandma 1,000 miles away from home)

So i cant start funding it myself.

So what can you do?

Well PM me or email me at [email protected] with your donations info and all.

Depending on how much i receive will determine the size of my server.

So please help me out!

Thank you!

Ghost! :cool:

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Why are you so desperate to host a server...with other peoples money no-less...

To answer your question, 'So what can you do?' I would answer with:

Play on any one of the thousands of servers already provided by gaming communities and individuals, and stop soliciting for money from other members of these forums...

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Dude dont be a a$$ first off and because it is another chance for new players. A lot of people have problems and there are hackers everywhere.

So I am going to actually regulate the server and treat it well thank you very much.

Some people just dont have the money.

So think before you talk like an a$$

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It's a valid concern by anybody. First off, you're brand new to the community. Secondly do you have any examples of any projects or community run things you've done? Have you managed game servers before?

Last but not least, it sounds like you don't have the income to support running a server. Just to give you an idea, I spend a lot of time keeping our server running, and I don't get many donations from the community (and the ones I do get, I'm quite thankful for). It's a big undertaking and you have to have the resources to cover for it if donations are light.

I'm not trying to come off harsh, but people are going to need more than your word to just up and toss you money. Especially when you don't even have a server running.

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Guy on the internet with five posts and a gmail account want's my money...yeah let me get right on that.

I mean, lets forget for a second that your breaking out the begging bowl;

Why would anyone want to give their money to you to run a server?

What experience do you have of administrating game servers?

Do you have any experience with running DayZ servers?

Which gaming communities have you been associated with in the past? and in what capacity?

Anyone to vouch for your integrity, apart from Grandma?

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I am a tech nerd. I have excperience working with computers but not much on servers.

It's a challenge and when i get home I will have my income.

And I am not begging i am asking for donations to start it earlier than i can start it.

It is rude for you guys to just dis my post.

We all start small and work our way up.

Don't kick the little man just because you can.

Help him and watch over him so he can grow up.

So if you don't have anything nice to say then just go away.

Oh and just because I am new to the forum doesnt mean anything at all. So what if i don't post or anything.

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I am a tech nerd. I have excperience working with computers but not much on servers.

It's a challenge and when i get home I will have my income.

And I am not begging i am asking for donations to start it earlier than i can start it.

It is rude for you guys to just dis my post.

We all start small and work our way up.

Don't kick the little man just because you can.

Help him and watch over him so he can grow up.

So if you don't have anything nice to say then just go away.

Oh and just because I am new to the forum doesnt mean anything at all. So what if i don't post or anything.

My name is Ghost and I run a DayZ server - without asking for community donations.

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Dude why are you guys such dicks?

People are posting valid concerns and are asking you why they should donate to you. You answer those questions by calling them dicks. I wouldn't expect donations if I were you.

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They are not throwing valid concerns. They are not being nice at all quite frankly it that makes me mad. They throw valid points out, yes, but they were overly rude. I was asking for help and this is not help. It ticks me off. So why don't you guys go torment others.

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Hi everyone who reads this post!

Hi mate :)

I am trying to start my own server!

That is so awesome! You know the more people help this mod out the greater the joy. It's truly remarkable how so many people' date=' like you my friend, believe in this project and rent hardware with their own mon..

But since I dont have the income at the moment

Oh...but...why do you have no money?

(taking care of my grandma 1' date='000 miles away from home) [/quote']

Oh no poor grand ma ;(

So i cant start funding it myself.

Damn...and we were so close!

So what can you do?

Hm good question :/

You know what I will rent a DayZ server this weekend. That's a good idea don't you think? Because you have enough going on with your grandma and stuff. I think that's the best I can do to help you.

Well PM me or email me at [email protected] with your donations info and all.

Phew good thing that's not necessary anymore right? Think about all the administrative hours you would have wasted instead of helping grandma. Dodged that bullet there right?

Depending on how much i receive will determine the size of my server.

No problem mate. I have already made up my mind with 50.

So please help me out!

Thank you!

Ghost! :cool:

Hey. No problem mate. See you on my server!


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If you can't afford the server yourself then there is no point in attempting to get donations. 1) The donations may slow or stop and the server will go down. 2) Donators get no special privilege so why should they donate to play on your server when they can play on others. 3) You can't regulate hackers since the logs don't show spawns / people killing in debug ect.

Admins on servers have very little power and this is done by the dev's design to keep them from abusing the players. Admins can reset servers, or kick and ban. The kicking and banned part is extremely limited to people just basically slinging racial slur's left n right or screaming at the top of their lungs over VOIP; however, since the latest patches removing global channels in-game chat really hasn't been an issue.

So the answer most people are going to have for you is, why should we pay you for a server? There are no benefits and none of us have bleeding hearts of gold to really care about you taking care of your grandmother.

Sorry but this is the internet, we don't care that you can't afford the server. I can't afford to hire a limo to drive me around everywhere, but I won't try to get donations for that.

(Que rage, hate, and simple whimpering replies to my message)

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Im sorry but why would anyone want to give you money for you to run a server when instead of giving you the money they could rent there own server? Just makes no sence. If you have any mates that play this game couldnt you ask them if they would like to rent a server with you, rather than asking random people over the internet youve never met before for money.

Its like i say to people that smoke fags and then moan they cost to much, If you cant afford to do it then dont do it! its that simple.

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Oh and just because I am new to the forum doesnt mean anything at all. So what if i don't post or anything.

Actually, it means something. If someone you had never spoken to or interacted with approached you in the street and asked you for money to pay for a luxury item, what would your response be?

Just from the the few follow-up responses you've put here, i'm guessing your probably not a scammer, just a well-intentioned kid who sparked an idea without actually thinking it through. You see, there is potential for change on how you are perceived by others after making a few posts.

So, here comes you help:

Joining an established gaming community, or simply playing on their game & VOIP servers, is probably the single biggest action you can take towards improving your online gaming experience. An established gaming community will have structure and experienced admins to take care of the hackers, trolls, griefers and assholes who regularly pass through game servers. You will learn from them.

I would recommend you give a few gaming communities a try and see which best fits what you want out of the games you play, some lean towards competitive play while others are a more relaxed place where people can go to shoot the shit, and each other.

Giving your time & knowledge (you may need to do some research/study) to a gaming community, as well as developing a thicker skin, may see you elevated to admin one day. More importantly, you may learn about game and social dynamics as well as picking up some technical skills. These essentials, along with your own source of funding, will ready you to host your own server one day.

Good luck

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This has been quite the entertaining post.

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