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Spawning in wilderness

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So it happened to me, I spawned ~22km from Chernarus. I did not attempt to wear any camo or do any weird things, I was simply hoping from one laggy server to a fresh one and I logged into this are.

Anyways I posted here to see if anyone has had this problem and if it was resolved by your location being reset or some other way of it being fixed other than "esc -> respawn" because with what I have I truly don't want to take the suicide path.

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Did you ever try contacting the development team?

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What you can do is run South East. Thats the way I got out. However,you need to run at least an hour.

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From where I am at I would need maybe 12 cokes and beans and about 3 hours lol. If not even more.

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Are you on the featuless debug plain? Next release is supposed to fix this. Supposedly if you log into the canada 2 server you'll spawn on the map, just a couple km west of civilization.

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Yeah, From where I am to the NW airfield I am 26,xxx meters away.

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> .> are you stuck out there too and plan on killing me? lol

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Every single time I've been spawned in the forest I've been able to run out.

If you have a compass, Run East. 6 outta 10 times so far I've made it to a town in less than 15 minutes of running.

IF you don't have a compass. Wet your finger, put it in the air, use your watch, find the north star, pray, repent, and run in whatever direction you like and hope you make it somewhere.

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I know which way, I have all the tools, I know my exact distance. It would literally be impossible for me to run back.

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it happened to me once when i aborted while being stuck at creating character

so you join a server, spawn in wilderness, and then the server reqests data about your character from central database (creating character), somethingh goes wrong and you are stuck at it

that means at this point you have nothing and you are in the corner of map, worst thing you can do is click abort which will save it

now if this happens to me i just ctrl+alt+del quit the game and hope i wasnt stuck at it long enought for timed autosave

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Canada 2 actually worked, and I found a dead body with a M4A1 Holo and GPS. Thank you for suggesting that!

But I re logged into my server and I was still in the Debug plains, do I have to leave the forest on Canada 2?

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> .> are you stuck out there too and plan on killing me? lol


Seriously, i've been stuck on the debug plain before. I googled and the solution was to log onto canada 2 and it worked for me. The debug plain on canada 2 is on the map.

I also collected a fair amount of loot there as players would spawn in, and repawn to get out. But i don't know how to get back :(

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As a fresh new character spawn, I spawned on an island... literally an island, seperated from the main map by a few minutes of swimming. So I swam it, and walked up onto the main map and checked my gear to find everything useful missing. -_-

So yeah, I respawned in that situation, it's surprising how useful the starting bandage and painkillers can be when you're doing the initial naked looting.

It's Alpha though, so you know, this is the phase where lots of content gets added, balance is established, crap happens and things get smoothed out over time waiting for the major bugfixes that Beta tends to initially focus on.

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This happened to me earlier today just after finding an fnl fal anpv s4. Except I guess vertical height was preserved so I spawned 12 feet in the air. Gravity did not approve.

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That stinks, but the FAL really isn't anything special, I would be more upset if I lost the L85A5 or a AS50.

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i just tried the Canada 2 fix and spawned in the debug forrest. Was instantly killed by some fucking retard killing everyone. Honestly what a prick.

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this needs fixed big time man, i spent ages getting the stuff to survive away from cities, map, compass, knife, matches and all the rest and it plonks me in a wasteland with getting back an impossible feat with no water or food, the odd wildlife is there to kill for meat but without trees for wood to light a fire or a pond to fill ya waterbottle ya screwed, i simply cant get far in this game at all and when i do this happens lolz, how the hell has folk survived for weeks and not had this kill them :/ i know its in alpha so cant really complain but come on, this is a priority to get right so people can experience it for longer and not fall to such wasteful deaths, absolutely love the mod but im not seeing a point in even trying to get all that gear again if the very next day you find it all to be a waste of time :/

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