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Again, hi everyone!

The actual suggestion is going to be short and hopefully clear.

Why not to add a function which allows players to make their spawnplace (the place, where they will respawn after death, without their items), which clearer is a home? Like, after this you do not 'wake up' at a beach, but in your house, where you can hold some cache. And the point is not to save items (we can forget about the last thing), but the keypoint is to save your place.


Restricted areas for making spawnpoint: airports, military objects (no one will take risks to sleep with sounds of gunshots, zombies, etc.)

There also is a thing, that can prevent cheating with the ability - you can only once a day change your spawnpoint.


This will help to make in-game clans, groups, etc.

Thanks for reading!

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That's not going to work. People will either start making spawnpoints in bases, so if you die, you'll gear up right after, and get in a car and go back to the action.


Or if you don't have a base, they'll make spawn points close to airfields and such, making those hotspots infested by newspawns running for gear without fear or worries, because if they die, they go back there again in a minute or so.


Sorry, but this won't work.

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