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DayZ Expanded Universe

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So, I am currently writing a book looking to expand the universe on DayZ and tell the backstory of the apocalypse. If there is anybody who knows who to contact for lincensing, please state your name below. Thanks :)

I'm new to this whole 'partnership & licensing' thing.

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Maybe here is a good place to start asking?




I think - if you are really serious about this - you need a lawyer/manager for the negotiations/contracts.

You are not using textures and sounds in a book. So why not call it a little different like WeekZ, DayX  :lol:  or whatever similarly name is not protected, instead of giving half of your earnings to Bohemia?

Edited by lauda

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You could just write the book; base it off some other place though.

Although Chernarus isn't a real place I think BI still own it, so even mentioning it could get you into some trouble if you were going to generate revenue

But sure, call them up and have a talk see what you can or can't use and go from there

The Cherno Journo made a DayZ book and is making money from it so im not quite sure... http://www.chernojourno.com/index.php?sales

I really enjoyed the sample he left; he's actually really talented anyway, good luck man!

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Well, good luck with it. But, you would need to call Bohemia Interactive and Dean Hall.

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