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NOOB questions ^_^

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hey guys after watching frankies videos i noticed a blue i guess its global side chat is this available in standalone? and also i noticed on the right side of the screen icons to show levels of your hunger,blood,thirst stuff like this, is that also available in standalone or is this only for the arama 2 MOD???

 also is the arama 2 MOD better the standalone at the moment? like me as a new player would it be better for me to start off over there and come back to standalone in a bit or is all this stuff in the MOD in standalone now?

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From what i heard the mod is plagued by hackers,at this stage

the Standalone may be playable but lacks a lot of content and is full of bugs

But if you have to choose one of 2 i would suggest that the mod is totally more fun.

Global chat is not avaliable in SA version,we use radios instead (they suck).

The levels of hunger and blood in SA are shown in the equipment tab,because people

apparently found the UI to be "immersion breaking".The charachter has "text-thoughts"

messages like "i'm hungry"-"i'm very hungry"-"i'm starving" which is something that needs to go

(Rocket himself expressed his intention to remove it).

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In standalone (SA), you just have to mind your inventory - when it reads "energized" and "hydrated", you're good for a while.

Just pack some good stuff along, like re-fillable containers (liter bottle & canteen), and rice, cereals, or random cans of food.

Too bad the texts will be removed, I indeed find it more immersive with the current very minimal hud (only text + when drawing / zeroing weapon)




If you play a few hours every day, it'll take you a week or 2 to encounter most of current loot drops. The only things that remain hard to find without camping large airfields, are full camo clothes, weapon attachments like mosin compensator, Magpull attachments for m4, 60 round magazines. What you need to survive, you'll find in every medium sized city.


You can spend quite some time trying to interact with friendlies (good luck with that), finding the accuracy of the different weapons, trying to approach people undetected, ...



Which to choose:

If you like experimental gameplay, that can change with every release, and which you can influence/contribute to by posting suggestions & feedback, go for standalone.

If you want a fleshed out game full of gear and vehicles, go for the mod.

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