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DayZ Epoch Custom Missions for Vilayer servers

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Hi, recently my friends and me rented a server from Vilayer, because it was cheap, and looked good. The last days I have had troubles adding custom addons to the server, as I didn't have any previous experience in this. I managed to get self-bloodbag and an auto-refuel addon to the server, making me get more in to adding addons. We really wanted missions on the servers as well, like many others have, where a mission appears on the map and you must go get the loot there. I have found a couple of these addons, and they are different than the addons I've already added.


I know how to add them, but in Vilayer the dayz_server.pbo disappears from the file manager when the server shuts down, and I can't edit it while it's up, nor delete it to swap it with another. The reason why this addon is different than the ones I've already added is because the ones I have added doesn't need anything to be changed or added in the dayz_server.pbo, but only in the missions.pbo, which is located in vilayercustomcode. Everything in this folder is editable, but obviously not in the folder where the server.pbo is located.


What I am asking for is, if anyone here have experience in adding addons to a Vilayer server could help, or tell me what to do. I want missions to the server, and if there is any other way I could go to add missions. Maybe an addon that doesn't need to be located at the server.pbo, but instead the missions.pbo? If you wonder what missions I want, it would be an Ikea truck missions, where you could get building supplies, weapon crates missions, some medical missions and some vehicle missions maybe? Would also be cool with AIs at all of them.


PS. Vilayer has gone another way than others. They have made the missions.pbo to a folder instead of a pbo file, so it's easier to customize it. I don't know if they have done this for the server.pbo as well, or maybe they have gone another way to make it easier to customize that aswell. But, I have not done this much, so I am not really sure. Could need some help. If it would be easier you could add me on skype and reach me there, markus.heien.



Regards iPixels :)

Edited by ipixels

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First of all, Vilayer already unpack the dayz_server.pbo for you, it's under vilayercodecustom/dayz_epoch There you should find all of the same files you would normally find. You can then follow the instructions for the customs scripts that you wanted :)

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Thank you, I will try install some addons doing that now. :)

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Well, got that fixed, now I have missions. but now I have another problem. I have installed more addons, and everything works as they should, but when I go to a trader, there is no dialog for "Traders menu". How can I fix that?

The addons I have:

Missions: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3779-4-types-of-side-missions-events/

SelfBloodbag: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/461-self-bloodbag/#entry2723

Auto Refuel/Rearm/Repair: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3935-release-vehicle-service-point-refuel-repair-rearm-script/


EDIT: Made a new thread about my next problem, because maybe more who have knowledge in exactly that kind of problems will answer there, and not skip this thread if they don't know about the thread problem, link: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/191646-dayz-epoch-trader-menu-not-working/

Edited by ipixels

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